Dear Mike:
Since the release of your movie “Fahrenheit 911”, I have searched your statements and writings trying to discover your views on this nation, the War on Terrorism and your basic ideology. Your supporters tell me that your film is still a documentary even though it expresses a point of view, and I simply wanted to discover the foundations of that point of view.
I read your letter of April 15, 1999, concerning the Balkan conflict. In that letter, you called President Clinton “a sad pathetic man”, and claimed that not only was the bombing of Yugoslavia a war crime, but that the bombing of German installations during World War II accomplished nothing positive. You claimed that both parties in Washington were really one party and that they didn’t represent us, merely corporate interests. Do you really believe that the people have no voice in their government? If that is so, then, with what would you recommend replacing it?
You made a statement in your book, “Dude Where’s My Country”, that the threat of terrorism was nothing more than a scheme by corporate cabals (presumably, rich stupid white guys) to frighten the population and rule the world. Do you really believe that? Do you believe that September 11, was part of some grand plan to enslave the masses? By the way, the chief founders of this nation were “Stupid White Men”, so does that make their work in creating this nation and our founding principles inherently flawed?
You also claim, in “Dude” that the United States has been so culpable in so many acts of worldwide terror that we should expect more September 11s. Do you really mean that we deserve to have our civilians blown to bits by Islamofascist monsters?
In my search, I came across this quote from you while speaking in Great Britain . You said, "They are possibly the dumbest people on the planet . . . in thrall to conniving, thieving smug pricks. We Americans suffer from an enforced ignorance. We don't know about anything that's happening outside our country. Our stupidity is embarrassing."
Do you really have such a low opinion of your fellow Americans? It seems that you are saying that we are too stupid to know what policies to support and what policies to oppose. You seem to be saying that we are too stupid to even elect our own leaders. Do you really mean that?
I’ve gone to your website numerous times to read your weekly statements to your fans. In one of those letters, you described the Iraqi insurgents that were killing our troops in this way. ''The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not 'insurgents' or 'terrorists' or 'The Enemy.' They are the REVOLUTION, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow -- and they will win.'' You actually said that people killing Americans were “the Minutemen”. You, in effect, compared them to Paul Revere and others who fought for individual liberty in this country. These insurgents are either Muslim militants or Ba’athists. They don’t believe in individual liberty. Yet you praised them and proclaimed victory for them. What were you thinking?
I’ve also seen this statement by you. "We need to change our ethic and aspire to be more Canadian-like…." That’s interesting since Canada has a higher percentage of stupid white men than even the United States. Perhaps it’s the French influence.
I could go on, for example you claimed on your website that Elian should be thankful he was returning to Cuba . You’ve made other statements where you call your countrymen stupid. All the while you are enjoying the blessings that this nation has to offer. You’re a millionaire. You live in an expensive apartment yet decry the plight of the homeless. You send your child to private school. You travel in exclusive circles. All because of the greatness of America. Yet, if we are to take you at your word, this nation isn’t worth saving. It should simply be wiped out and the enlightened people should begin again
You’re no Gandhi. For all his faults, and believe me there were many, he loved his country and joined the people in their suffering. You’re no Che Guevara, either. At least he was willing to fight and die for his idea of revolution. You are more like Noam Chomsky. A blustering hypocrite, who doesn’t even live your convictions. Both of you despise America and its materialism and capitalism, yet are not willing to give up what that system has awarded you.
You don’t believe America is really worth saving, yet where would you be if it ceased to exist? Think about it.