Thursday, November 2, 2006

Ford, Webb and Shuler conservative. So what?

If one more idiot tells me that Harold Ford, Jim Webb and Heath Shuler are conservatives  I'm gonna scream. 

My simple answer, though, is "so what if they are?"

People like Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin, Charlie Rangel and Alcee Hastings run the Democrat party.  THEY are liberals.  No, they are anti-American leftists who are invested in America's defeat.

Candidates like Harold Ford, Jim Webb and Heath Shuler can claim to be conservative all day long, but the fact of the matter is that, EVEN IF ELECTED, they will have no power and be told to shut the f*ck up and follow their liberal masters. 

THAT is why what John Kerry said and what he repeatedly has shown he believes is so important.  Kerry was perfectly espousing the leftist elitist position of the leaders of the Democrat party.  Leaders that CANNOT be put in charge of our government during a time of war.
Liberals like Kerry, Kennedy, Pelosi, Durbin, Frank et al hate our military and alternately view them as victims or predators depending on what benefits their political goals.  They hate the idea of the United States fighting its enemies and create artificially narrow justifications for war.  They love to point out supposed war crimes and hope the American public is fooled into believing they are only talking about the Administration and not the troops they accuse. 

If leftists were only socialists, they could, at least be tolerated in a time of war.  They aren't.  They also want to see America defeated.  They talk about "arrogance" and "unilateralism" as if the United States were an enemy state.  Perhaps, to the Left, it is.