Thursday, November 2, 2006

Ford, Webb and Shuler conservative. So what?

If one more idiot tells me that Harold Ford, Jim Webb and Heath Shuler are conservatives  I'm gonna scream. 

My simple answer, though, is "so what if they are?"

People like Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin, Charlie Rangel and Alcee Hastings run the Democrat party.  THEY are liberals.  No, they are anti-American leftists who are invested in America's defeat.

Candidates like Harold Ford, Jim Webb and Heath Shuler can claim to be conservative all day long, but the fact of the matter is that, EVEN IF ELECTED, they will have no power and be told to shut the f*ck up and follow their liberal masters. 

THAT is why what John Kerry said and what he repeatedly has shown he believes is so important.  Kerry was perfectly espousing the leftist elitist position of the leaders of the Democrat party.  Leaders that CANNOT be put in charge of our government during a time of war.
Liberals like Kerry, Kennedy, Pelosi, Durbin, Frank et al hate our military and alternately view them as victims or predators depending on what benefits their political goals.  They hate the idea of the United States fighting its enemies and create artificially narrow justifications for war.  They love to point out supposed war crimes and hope the American public is fooled into believing they are only talking about the Administration and not the troops they accuse. 

If leftists were only socialists, they could, at least be tolerated in a time of war.  They aren't.  They also want to see America defeated.  They talk about "arrogance" and "unilateralism" as if the United States were an enemy state.  Perhaps, to the Left, it is.


Anonymous said...

O'reilly  had a body language expert on his show the other day.  Her professional diagnosis was that Bush is nervous but sincere, and that Kerry was someone who said things without knowing if he believed them himself. No surprise.

Of course, it doesnt take an expert to know these things, but it was nice to have it confirmed by someone trained in this field.

Maybe backshot Kerry will finally go away for good.

Anonymous said...

Lets pray the majority of people will agree with you come election day. (If I was your momma I would wash your mouth out but just like her "I love ya anyway")


Anonymous said...

Steve, I like all of your essays, but this one in particular. What chance would America have if the leaders of the Democrat Party were in charge? It may take a nuclear attack against us to awaken those loonies. I'm not certain that even that would work, because they'd say that America prompted the attack.


Anonymous said...

There are nearly 60 members of the House who belong to the Democratic Socialists of America.  Nancy Pelosi (one of the leaders), Franks, Kucinich, Hastings, Waters, McKinney, Jackson Jr., Woolsey, Waxman, and Rangel are a few of the bigwigs.  These members of the House all belong to the Progressive Caucus which is a group associated with the Democratic Socialists of America and, in fact, this organization used to power the website of the Progressive Caucus until WorldNetDaily exposed it in 1999.  They changed their website to a .gov at that time to hide the fact that they are sponsoring the agenda of that socialist organization.  If you go to the Dem. Soc. of America website and look at their agenda, you will see the agenda of Pelosi and crowd.  It's the same..nothing is different.

These people must NOT be allowed to take over our Government...not just in a time of war...NEVER!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I believe that our worst fears are about to come true.  And, imagine, Nancy Peolosi will be a heart beat away.  I would take Hillary over her any day!

Anonymous said...

The scarier thought is that Ford, Shuler and Webb are actually populists.  

Anonymous said...

You say these leftists are not socialists but I respectfully believe you are wrong.  Nancy Pelosi was on the board of the Democratic Socialists of America a few years ago and one of the goals of that organization a couple of years ago, stated right in their platform, was to take over one of the major political parties.  They have done it.  The DNC no longer represents the people.  It represents big Government.  It represents Socialism.  Nancy Pelosi and her band of approximately 60 members of the Progressive Caucus are all socialists and so are many in the other house.  No one is more socialist than Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton is nothing but a Marxist.  

Let's face it, they want the demise of the family.  They want the demise of Christianity.  They want to reconstruct the constitution to eliminate guns, speech (Fairness Doctrine), and religion (separation of church & state).  They want to redistribute the wealth to the population via higher taxes (health care, etc.).  They want the Government running everyone's lives in every facet of everyone's life.  They want unions to control the work force.  The ACLU is a communist organization which is going to get us all killed supporting the Islamofacists and CAIR with the liberal judges legislating from the bench.

These people must not be allowed to insert one of their own in the White House in 2008 and they must lose their majority status in the Congress for the sake of our country, for the sake of our troops and for the sake of our Grandchildren.  

Anonymous said...

I can see that brains are not required around here. The RNC indeed.