Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Sin and the Left

The American Left is giddy.  In fact, leftists haven't smiled like this since 1998 when the electorate spanked Newt and the Republicans for their half hearted attempt at impeachment.

To them, Mark Foley being exposed as a sanctimonious hypocrite is victory for tolerance and liberalism.  No, I'm not just talking about its significance to the possibility of a Democrat takeover of the House.  I'm talking about it being an affirmation, in their eyes, of everything Progressives, Leftists, Liberals believe.

Leftism has, as one of its core principles, hedonism.  Well, leftists believe in hedonistic behavior as long as it doesn't result in profits for big tobacco, big oil or big fast food. 

Traditional mores are considered repressive and discriminatory in the eyes of liberals and any mention of good vs. evil is enough to send them into fits of "enlightened" rage.

To see a champion of traditional morals fall, in the eyes of the liberals, is to PROVE that the values themselves are flawed.  To them, Mark Foley isn't merely a sinner or someone with a disease; he is evidence that the American Right has no moral authority to demand anything of anyone.

If a conservative commits adultery, then it isn't just the conservative who sins that is wrong; it is the entire conservative movement and its belief in sin that is wrong.  If a conservative has an abortion, then that proves, to leftists, that opposition to abortion is laughable.  To leftists, you are not permitted to moralize unless you are perfect and all those you associate with are perfect.

This leftist attitude isn't merely limited to domestic social issues such as abortion and homosexuality.  It permeates how left wingers view the United States and its place in the world.  The idea of American exceptionalism is an anathema to the Left.  How dare we, as a nation, be so arrogant as to believe that some ideologies or belief systems are evil.

You've seen the litany of sins and crimes that the Left recites in order to claim that the United States has no moral authority to stand up to evil regimes throughout the world.  Since we aren't perfect we lack the authority, in the eyes of the Left, to call other nations, ideologies, belief systems and regimes dangerous, evil or unacceptable.

The Left hates absolutes, except where global warming is concerned.  They hate the concepts of good and evil and right and wrong.  Such beliefs are simplistic and don't allow for nuance.

Sinners love to see a preacher fall.  It makes them feel better about themselves without requiring any self examination on their part.  The analogy requires no explanation.


Anonymous said...

You first sentence says it all..the left is giddy over every mistake, the right make..We are humans and we do make mistakes, and Foley made a big one, but he is more to be pitied than be censured, because his job is gone, his future is questionable, but that's what the left wants each and every conservative to be, like Foley..They also want this country to lose in Iraq, for what reason other than politics..That is their religion,,politics, and they are the real enemy this country is fighting..In my humble opinion.  I fear that if they ever get the power they want in this next election..we are in worlds of trouble.....

Anonymous said...

Sinners love to see a preacher fall.  It makes them feel better about themselves without requiring any self examination on their part.  The analogy requires no explanation.

Amen and Amen

Anonymous said...

Dead-on target, Lone.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you back. Where have you been?  You are right on the money, as usual.  Only problem is..where is the ACLU?  He's being persecuted by the Dems (well, actually by everyone) and he's gay.  The ACLU loves the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).  Congressman Foley claims he is not a pedophyle and has never had relations with a minor.  He claims he is just gay.  So..where is the ACLU to help this poor, misguided sinful Republican?  

Anonymous said...

another great piece, you certainly have a way of "Living in my brain!" do't know if that's a compliment or not but, we do think alike.