Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Maybe If We Took A Piece Of This One And...

Am I the only one with this problem?  I would like to play Dr. Frankenstein and take pieces from each Republican candidate and make one good choice.  There are pieces of each one that I like, but each one has fatal flaws that make it almost impossible for me to truly get behind him.

Ron Paul is the one that is closest to my beliefs regarding the Constitution and the proper role of government.  In fact, I don't think that any of the other candidates understand the proper role of government.  Unfortunately, Ron Paul doesn't understand that we are in a clash of civilizations, a struggle to the death with Islamofascism.  He believes that we can retreat into our isolationist shell and the world will leave us alone.

Mike Huckabee is good on social issues and supports the FAIR tax, but he wants us to grovel to Europe, the United Nations and stop being an "arrogant" superpower.  If that is his belief, then he is truly too naive to be commander in chief at a time when it is us against the world.

Rudy Giuliani is a liberal.  He has no clue about the Constitution, original intent or the proper role of government.  He thinks the Second Amendment  is unimportant and that unborn children are merely parasitic cells that are subject to the whim of the pregnant woman.  Yet, he, more than anyone else in the campaign wants to win this war for our survival with radical political Islam.

Mitt Romney looks good, sounds good, and says all the right things.  However, he sounded good to the Chomskyites that populate the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts too.  As a result, I don't trust him.  Particularly if you recall that in 2005 Human Events magazine called him a RINO (Republican in name only).  Further, he has done nothing to make me believe that winning this war is a priority for him.

John McCain has a military background and has stated his determination to win the war, but he's the same John McCain that has spent the last eight years pandering to the mainstream media, siding with the Left seemingly more than the Right in the Senate, and most unforgiveable; he flipped the bird to the Constitution with his sponsorship of the McCain-Feingold limit free speech bill.

Fred Thompson is a good Tennessee boy who seems to be truly conservative, but he looks tired and old.  Remember, this is the visual information age.  People don't read, don't listen, they LOOK.  Fred looks like he's ready to sit on the front porch and drink iced tea, not march and fight to victory.

I'm not dumb enough to think that a perfect candidate will appear.  I realize that I will have differences with anybody who might run.  Right now, though, each candidate's flaws are slapping me in the face.  None of them seem to be interested in leading a conservative movement to take us back to the Constitution and take us to victory against our enemies.  In fact, I'm not sure that any of them would even understand what I'm talking about.




Anonymous said...

You have state exactly what I have wanted this United States to know, but the sad part is, no one listens. Most candidates are so caught up in who can win the nomination they will say or do anything to get there. Once there, they forget what was said on the campaign trail.

Anonymous said...

As usual, an excellent summation, Lone. There is no ONE "perfect candidate." Out of all of them, I like Fred Thompson, even if, as you say "looks tired and old." There is also another saying: "It's not always the size of the dog in the fight - it's the size of the fight in the dog." I think - and hope - Fred Thompson has a LOT of fight in him.

The next President of the United States is going to need all the "fight" within him he can muster.
