My daughter starts to kindergarten this year. I have worried about putting her in the public school system for some time, but we had some hope since we know most of the teachers at her school. Surely the government would hold off a year or two before they began assaulting our values, beliefs and ideals. What could they do in kindergarten to begin the brainwashing? That was before we got the supply list.
After listing the usual, pencils, paper, binders and crayons; there was a note on the bottom of the page: "All supplies will be shared by all students." In other words all the supplies we buy for our daughter become the property of the collective to be shared with every other student. Yes, my friends, the public school system is now teaching communism. I think Lenin himself said something about controlling the education system and controlling society.
Instead of teaching personal responsibility and the importance of private ownership, my daughter’s school is teaching children to believe that all property belongs to the government and is distributed "from each according to his ability to each according to his need."
My daughter’s teacher had a reasonable benign reason for doing this. Something about controlling what is used during class time. The bottom line, though, is it teaches communism. It teaches government dependence. It discourages self reliance. It teaches that a forced equality should be the norm.
After a few years of this, European style socialism will seem like a good thing. Young malleable brains will be convinced that they should feel guilty if they have more than their neighbor. Pretty soon libertarian capitalism and individualism will be concepts as foreign to most students as Latin.
I quickly remembered why I hate government schools.