Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Definitely Not One Party

I have forced myself to watch bits and pieces of the Democrats' convention.  It's hard listening to "enlightened" leftist elites trying to act like normal patriotic Americans but occasionally I'm overcome by morbid curiosity.  One thing that is clear is that there is no such thing as THE Democratic Party.  If you look on the floor of the convention in the State delegations you will see what I mean.

Let me preface this by stating that I already knew some of what I'm about to say.  My business partner is a lifelong Democrat, although no liberal by any stretch of the imagination.  She is pro-America, pro-gun ownership, pro-capitalism, pro-God and while pro-choice opposes partial birth abortion and infanticide.  Her politics are very similar to our Circuit Court Clerk who is a client of ours and also a Democrat.  Both have said that Obama is too liberal for them.  They are Democrats because their parents were Democrats and they were raised to believe that Republicans are the party of the rich.

Most rank and file Democrats between the ages of 45 and 80 fall into this category.  If they are Southerners, they have always been Democrats for the same reasons that Robert Byrd has always been a Democrat.  If they are Northerners, then more than likely their families became Democrats because of and during the Great Depression.  It isn't policy driven, it's based upon an emotional belief that has been handed down to them.  Most of their individual views are very conservative, but they can't break away from that emotional attachment to the name "Democrat".

If you look at the young people in the Democrat party, they tend to be naive, spoiled children who have few core values but are convinced that the world needs to be "changed" and have believed their professors when they said that if they fight against corporations and nationalism they can create a world where the lion will lie down with the lamb and no one will ever be hungry.

The elites of the party, though, tend to be unrepentent 60's radicals.  They see little wrong with William Ayers because they agree that the Pentagon is a genocidal tool of malevolent corporate interests.  Privately, they agree with Jeremiah Wright that the United States brought 9/11 on itself.  Michael Moore is considered normal.  Jimmy Carter and Al Gore are considered to be geniuses.  They agree with John Kerry that the United States should submit itself to a "global test" before acting in its self interest.  They agree with Nancy Pelosi that "trying to save the world" is more important than becoming more energy independent.  They agree with Michelle Obama that this is a "downright mean" country.

These are the elite radicals that Barack Obama was talking to in San Francisco when he talked about average Americans "clinging" to guns, God and racism.  These are the elite radicals who claim to be for the common people, but who actually look down their noses at them and in many cases despise them.  These are the elite radicals who actually have power in the Democratic party.  These are the elite radicals who actually make policy.  They are the ones who wink and nod when Barack Obama talks about change.

That should scare all of us.




Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. ... it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.  Frederick Bastiat