The American Left cannot be trusted to be in charge of our war against Islamofascism. First, we have the Michael Moore and the Hollywood crowd who believe that we did something to make them mad in the first place and since we are evil we deserve whatever we get. Then we have the Democrats who believe the threat of terrorism is overrated anyway. These, however, are not the most compelling reasons that our success in this war depends on defeating John Kerry and the Democrats.
There is a recent political ad that underscores the severity of the distinctions between the conservative position and the leftist position regarding this crucial moment in our history. I’m talking about the ad where we see John Kerry, in 1971, making the statement before Congress, “We cannot fight communism all over the world.” Kerry spoke from a perspective of pessimistic defeatism, that came to define the country throughout the 1970s. Implied in that statement was the idea that we couldn’t win against the and its satellites, and we were probably wrong to even try.
Juxtaposed against that statement was the statement by Ronald Reagan in Berlin, “Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall.” Reagan’s was a statement of confident defiance. That confident defiance against evil, yes, I said evil, marked Reagan’s entire Presidency. Ronald Reagan came into office believing that the Soviet Union could be defeated and SHOULD be defeated despite all the negativity that engulfed Washington DC.
We must remember that in 1981, contrary to liberal historians’ contentions, conventional wisdom was that we had to learn to accept the existence of the Soviet Union. It was always going to be there. Challenging the Soviet Empire would result in Armageddon. John Kerry and the leftist Democrats acted upon that belief. Nuclear freeze was the talk of the day. “Prove to the Soviets that we are no threat to them” became the standard policy of the pessimistic left.
Ronald Reagan allowed no such pessimism to enter his mind. He was determined to challenge the Soviets and engaged in that policy with a single-minded purpose that terrified the timid defeatists here and in Europe. Reagan was determined to put Pershing missiles in Europe and DARED the Soviets to do something about it. Reagan authorized the CIA to funnel money, printing presses, radio transmitters and such to groups like Solidarity in Poland and elsewhere. Reagan increased aid to the mujahedeen fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan. He evened steeled his determination to assist the Contras during the time that John Kerry and his ilk were embracing Marxist Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega.
Reagan pushed for the Strategic Defense Initiative, derisively called “Star Wars”. The Soviets began to think that this crazy cowboy really thinks he can win a nuclear war with us. This wasn’t détente. This wasn’t a nuclear freeze. This wasn’t appeasement. This was Ronald Reagan, along with his good friend Margaret Thatcher, drawing a line in the sand, and stating that freedom and justice WILL prevail over tyranny, fear and oppression. The American Left was horrified. Yet history has proven Reagan right and the John Kerry’s of the world wrong.
Don’t let leftist revisionists try to give credit to Mikhail Gorbachev or claim that the Soviet Union defeated itself. Despite John Kerry’s pessimism we DID fight communism around the world and we won. Yes, leftists, we won.
Now, these very same leftists are claiming that we cannot fight Islamofascism all over the world. They are claiming that we should have limited our fight to Al Qaeda and Afghanistan. They are claiming that we are making more enemies and are going to bring about Armageddon. They are echoing the sentiments of the STILL timid and STILL pessimistic European Left. They are claiming that there is no way that we can remake the Middle East and achieve victory. They claim we must accept that terrorism is a fact of life until we appease the terrorists. They call George W. Bush a crazy cowboy. They claim that we can’t challenge every nation that doesn’t like us.
Regardless of what they say, we must face the facts. We are faced with an enemy that will not negotiate. We are faced with an enemy that is motivated by a belief system even stronger than communism. We are faced with an enemy that isn’t limited to one loosely organized terror group. We are faced with an enemy that respects nothing other than determined brute force. We cannot waiver in this fight.
John Kerry has already proven himself to be a defeatist and a pessimist. He isn’t a man of vision. He isn’t a man of resolve. He isn’t a man to lead this nation to victory. He’s already proven that. We cannot let such a man lead this nation in this war.
I think you are right to note the appeasement portion of the leftist propaganda.
I have been blogging on a website that includes many Europeans and they are uniformly in favor of appeasement. They say that we need to understand what we did that upset the terrorists and fix that and then the problem will go away. This attitude really upsets me. The Islamofascists have repeatedly told us what upsets them about the West and it is that we are not Islamic believers. We either have to become low level Islamic believers or slaves or dead. It amazes me that, just like Hitler, Lenin, Mao and others. who told us what they were going to do, these appeasers have still not learned the lessons of the '30's. They still think that appeasement will work. Have a tea party and make nice and it will all go away. Didn't work then and won't work now.
In a way it is like the unilateral disarmament crew. They thought that if we got rid of all our weapons, the Soviets would too and then we would live happily ever after in Paradise. Problem is that if we got rid of all our weapons, then there would be no reason for the Soviets to get rid of theirs and we would all be learning the Cyrillic alphabet and speaking Russian and learning to be good little Party members.
The Islamofascists are the Soviets of today with the same program. They will try to use our national media and our leftists "useful idiots" against us and to judge by the TV news and major newspapers and magazines their attempt is working. Our only salvation is the webloggers like Steve and the others who call attention to the fact that the "emperor has no clothes" and spread the word that our work in Iraq and Afghanistan is actually working out and we are gaining in the war against terrorism. The fact that the regimes that sponsor terrorism are infiltrating men and weapons into Iraq to attempt to defeat us shows t
the left has been wrong every time from Hitler, to Vietnam, to Russia, and, you're correct.... they are wrong again. they don't get it and they don't learn from it and left up to them, to paraphrase Dr Rice, we will wait for the smoking gun of a mushroom cloud. Then the left will loudly proclaim their outrage and horror, blame it on the war in Iraq, and seek more appeasement with our murderous enemies, forgetting all the while that we turned cheek after cheek after cheek throughout the 90's until we finally took one in the mouth. 9/11 is what appeasement got us.
I have the radio on beside my computer..I just heard these words from John Kerry, and his sweetheart, John Edwards, nodding beside him, that he would take this nation to the UN and try to make amends with the rest of the world(even islam?, he didn't say)and get this nation in line with the world and never, ever go to war without being attacked first, I thought we were attacked first, because I remember 9-11 and the attack on this country..Maybe to John that was just a thing we should ignore, because the people that rammed those planes didn't understand our culture and we didn't understand their's..I will say again..This man is frightening!!!!
Bravo! I couldn't have said it better myself. And you are correct. Reagan did stand up....and what a day that was. Praise God. If you listen to Kerry, he is all for what the people want. Tell me, do we really know what is best on a global perspective? No, thats why we have them. Unfortunately, Kerry will probably win. He strokes the worldly part of America and not the righteous part. Evil must be erraticated. Reagan knew that and went forth on God strength with no fear. Bush is the same way.
Shoot me if Hollywood reigns in this country. I have boycotted certain actors and actresses because of their stance for evil by protesting the erradication of evil. I personally believe that they can burn in hell with the ACLU. Life is not glamour and glitter. It's hard. It's black and white. But we have to sift through so much grey that we have forgotten our first love. Truth. You will know a man by his fruits. Do not be deceived. Thats what the enemy does. He seeks to deceive, destroy and kill. Do not mistake our presence in Iraq and Afghanistan as killing or evil. Our purpose is far beyond what is seen.
A failure to look at our Middle East policies is assuring that terrorism will continue.
A true American would be buying high mileage cars, pressuring auto makers to develop alternative fuel engines.
The United States led the Industrial Revolution, taking the world from horses to cars, developing steam engines, conquering the skies with the Wright Bros airplane, and WE ARE TOO STUPID to address the biggest threat to our country-our dependence on oil!
Beware the religious fanatic whether Islamic or Christian. Neither truly believe in God and are driven by social/economic injustices. By our failure to look inward and our attitude of "Our country, right or wrong" we are dooming our future generations to continuing terrorism.
We now have more enemies in the world not less.
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