The enlightened members of the national media didn’t even wipe the exit poll egg off their faces before they almost unanimously began asking if President Bush would “reach out” to the opposition, try to govern from “the center” and work toward “bipartisanship”. John Edwards, in his concession speech, if you can call it that, renewed his theme of “two Americas” and practically blamed the division in America on the Republicans. The media also reported that when John Kerry called President Bush to concede, he “lectured” him on healing the divisions in this nation.
Reach out? Heal the divisions? Note to the Democrats and their accomplices in the mainstream media: YOU LOST. Your agenda was rejected. Your campaign of hate was rejected. Your campaign of fear and envy was rejected. You folks are the last people to complain about division in America.
Look at the last forty years. Democrats have won elections by pitting black versus white, rich versus poor, employee versus employer, old versus young, women versus men, irreligious versus religious. To a Democrat, bipartisanship only occurs when a Republican sacrifices his or her principles and goes along with what the Democrats want.
The Democrats won’t see this, but this election is a repudiation of them, and perhaps for the foreseeable future. The Democrats do not have the Presidency. In fact they have only held the Presidency for eight years since 1981. Bill Clinton had to pretend to be a Republican to do that, and even then he never got fifty percent of the vote. The Democrats fall further and further behind in the House of Representatives. The Senate is closing in on being filibuster proof.
The American public isn’t leftist. The Democrats ARE, by and large, leftists. The American public believes in strong hawkish national defense. The American public believes in traditional faith based family values. The American public believes in low taxes. The American public believes in private enterprise. The American public believes in America’s sovereignty. The American public made this clear last night.
The American public does not believe in global tests regarding our security. The American public does not believe in license masquerading as personal freedom. The American public made that abundantly clear last night.
Will the Democrats see it? Can they even comprehendwhat they see? I agree, there needs to be a reaching out in this country. The Democrats need to reach out and rediscover the AMERICAN people. No, not the French people, the AMERICAN people.
Lone, you spoke a truth. I don't watch much TV news, as I prefer getting my news from various online sources. It was a jolt to see the obvious bias, as I was not conditioned to it as I would have been if I watched on a daily basis. My first thought was, "You people underestimate the America. Do you really think we don't understand the thinly veiled prejudice you hold against this president?" They must think that, because we live in rural or small town America, we are uneducated and too dumb to know it.
Were these the same people who would not wear American flag lapel pins while reporting on 9-11? Yep!
Thanks for a good blog. I enjoy it very much.
Cuffie and Lone,
If you read the liberal blogs you are absolutely right. Their responses on the blogs are all talking about how the dumb, stupid, ignorant, NASCAR loving dimwits in the center of the country don't have the brains to know that the rethuglikans are lying to them. The hicks don't realize that their programs are out of date and not fit to even talk about. The hicks need to be ignored either through the democrats and liberals winning the power or the democrats and liberals taking every benighted and disgusting law immediately to the courts and have the "progressive" judges rule them unconstitutional.
Then you get the Europeans who tell us that we have to realize that our Constitution was written way back in the 18th century and the world is different and we have to realize that only a secular constitution that rejects religion has any merit in the modern state. We have to realize that the Europeans with their secular societies have the answer to the future. I could send you the columns saying exactly this over and over in England and Germany and France. They claim that after the second world war their parents told them they were the best and the brightest and they had to create a whole new world different from what was there before.
I think what will happen is that the Euros will realize they have to deal with the big dog for at least 4 more years and they had better get back in his good graces. Our libs don't understand that yet unfortunately.
The current Democratic Party is led by radical leftists intent on rewriting this country, literally. From the revisionist History books they have put in the schools, to the illegal obstruction of judicial nominees, to the Supreme Court's engagement with Global Law as a reckoning of our own, to judges issuing legislation, to the Constitution itself. They know full well that the majority of the American people does not support their views nor believe it to be the intent of those whose blood, sweat, faith, and tears have, time and again for two centuries, made this country the unique and great wonder it has been.
They are in shock that any sort of 'morals issue' could play any part in their resounding electoral defeat. Those on the left I converse with (some of whom you've had the 'pleasure' of doing so yourself) cannot fathom how we myth-loving, gun-totin', homophobic ignoramuses do not come teeming to their mountain of enlightenment to readily accept their intelligentsia and nobility. They hold anyone who believes in a higher power than the human mind in utter contempt.
The Michael Moore, Daily Kos, Maureen Dowd following minions that comprise today's Democratic Party (with a few exceptions, of course) have no intent on 'reaching out' or any sort of unity. They are out of power, pissed about it, and we will only see more of the same vitriolic rhetoric so prominent in the last four years. Rhomp is quite correct about this.
To which I say the solution is to keep defeating them at the polls. Keep them on the fringe until the Democratic Party has no choice but to start rejecting their own extremists and obstuctionists in order to remain any sort of viable party in America.
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