Friday, October 21, 2005

Plame, Delay Part Of Plan

Today's Democrat party is determined to recover the power it lost over the past twenty five years.  Not at the ballot box, but in the jury box.  Since 1980, the Democrats have been unable to win national elections.  No, I didn't sleep through Bill Clinton's eight years, but face it.  He didn't run as a Democrat.  Bill Clinton was a "new" Democrat.  He was a charter member of the DLC which was designed to push the Democrat party away from the Left and toward the center.

Democrats are leftists., Howard Dean, Al Franken and Janeane Garafalo are the real face of the Democrat party.  The 2005 version of Al Gore, not the 1984 version, is the real face of the Democrat party.  They are distrustful of capitalism, see individuals as powerless victims,

and consider Islamic terrorists to be less of a threat than corporate robber barons.  To them, America is not the land of the free and the home of the brave.  It is the land of the victim and the home of oppressed workers.

THAT is why Democrats consistently lose elections.  Americans don't see themselves as victims and, thus, don't identify with Democrats.  Americans, as a rule, are positive and see this nation as great and worthy of its blessed position in the world.  As a result, Democrats, instead of changing their message, have sought to change the image of Republicans.

In the eyes of Democrats, if they can prove Republicans to be criminals who only care about helping multinational thieves and slumlords, then the masses will feel victimized and run into the benign, caring arms of Democrat protectors.

That is why the Plame case really matters.  Do you think the Democrats want to protect the CIA?  If so, I urge you to Google "the Church Commission".  Do you think Tom Delay's actions are without precedent in Texas politics?  If so, check and see how Texas Democratic PACs were spending money in 2001, 2002 and 2003.

The bottom line is that Democrats have nothing to offer the American public, so they must eliminate their opponents or successfully demonize them.  It is a strategy based, not on moral outrage or strength, but on political desperation.

Since 2001, the Democrats have tried one pseudo-scandal after another.  So far, nothing has stuck, so they keep raising the stakes.  They can't help it.  These are the same people that turned a funeral into a cross between a tent revival and a professional wrestling event. Complete with bad guys to boo.

They are the students of the 1960s who can't accept that the nation didn't continue down their path to a worldwide commune.  Do they think that maybe their ideas were wrong?  No, they merely think the American people are too stupid to recognize their wisdom.

They have, though, finally recognized that the American people will never, in a battle of ideas, agree with them.  Therefore, they believe that if they create another Watergate, then the American people will hail them as saviors and restore them to their rightful place. 



Anonymous said...

Good intentions but just a little problem: Americans are too darn lazy when it comes to working on solving political problems. How many do you think give a second thought to the Plume incident? Aw, just another faux pas in politics, it will go away whether we get involved or not.

Take a look what a job the Democrats are doing on us with their henchmen Kennedy, Kerry, henchwoman Boxer, Feinstein and Clinton. What ammunition are we using to fight back? Oh, it will all go away, why bother.

There are not enough of YOU who will actively work on shutting up the liberals and their lying machines. We have won the past elections, we feel confident, we are so sure of ourselves...until a Democrat sits in  the oval office and says :"gotcha".

Anonymous said...

You know, as a registered Dem, I've often wondered why the Plame case is so important to the Dem leadership, when most of the American public couldn't care less, and how the whole conspiracy theory that Bush "stole" both elections continues to be resuscitated.  

I think you hit the nail square on the head, Lone.  It's sad, but it's true.  I've yet to hear any alternatives to any policies this administration has--just criticism and accusations of corruption.  

They're banking on the "anybody but Bush or another Republican" campaign, and regardless of what the public may think of Bush, I sincerely doubt that campaign will work, especially with Hillary Clinton leading the charge.

Anonymous said...

The Democrat Party doesn't exist anymore, it is the liberal party, and to their great shame they have ruined the name "Democrat"..Every leftists organization in the country is a liberal with an agenda, my family were Democrats, my Grandmother would turn over in her grave  if she was here to see what has happened to her party, the party of her idol, FDR..Those days are gone forever, and in my mind, it will be tough for any liberal to win a big election in this country anymore..Thanks Liberals...

Anonymous said...

Let's face some facts here.  We elected Pres Bush & the Repub Congress/Senate to do some specific things.  Since 2000, we have been repeatedly let down.  The liberals carry the agenda & the rhetoric.  Our Repubs don't know how to be winners..they are charged (by us) to do the deeds we sent them there to do.  Instead, they cow-tow to the liberals, allowing them to escalate their agenda at just about every turn & they are NOT listening to us.

What has been happening with Soc Sec reform? Privitization...dead.  What about our borders?  Zilch.  What is happening to curb spending?'s increasing.  Our courts?  We just got someone who "might" be a conservative but doesn't have any track record, we are just supposed to trust the President & we have 7 wannabe liberal Repubs who will make sure the rest of the Repubs cave to the liberal point of view.  What is happening with tax reform?  Nada.  What about new oil refineries/new drilling?  Didn't even get the energy bill right.

Our Repubs do not stand up to fight for us & for the reasons we sent them there.   They WILL NOT stand up & lead.  At times you can't even tell them apart from the liberals.  That is why the liberals can carry the day.  

You were right with everything you said about the liberals; but what you neglected to say was that the Repubs are just allowing them to get away with anything they want.  If Roe/Delay go down, it will only be because not a one of our elected Repubs has the backbone for the fight & they are not out there supporting either one of them, not even Pres Bush.  

A major issue here is Able Danger.  It is a larger scandal than Watergate was.  Where are our Repubs???  It could be a major campaign issue & apparently, they are ignoring it.  

I am very disappointed with the way things are going &

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to see you in print again.  You write what I think, only more clearly.
Of course, you are correct about this latest version of the Democrats.  They have been trying to create socialism in this country since Roosevelt and before.   Do they really believe that they won't be the "victims" in their new society?  

Anonymous said...

I read an article the other day that really made the point to me but I can't find it right now.  The nub of the article was that there was a meeting of all kinds of Democrats and they were asked to go on their own and write the basis of what the thought the policy of the Democratic party should be.  The idea was that there would be a huge outpouring of ideas and as a result a real dialogue leading to a Democratic program.  The actual result was that every single person there, and there were several hundred, wrote exactly the same 10 policies and they were the policies that Kerry ran on and lost.  

The result was that the Democrats really do not have a clue as to what they want and what they need to sell to the public.  That is why all we hear from them is bitching and complaining that we are doing it wrong or we did not do enough planning before we did something or that is not the way to do it.  No ideas at all, just complaints and platitudes.

There is a need for a valid opposition party in this country.  Unfortunately we do not really have one.  All we have is a party that would do it differently.  They don't how the differently would be done but it would be done differently.  What a damned shame.  

Anonymous said...

I have been reading the comments by debhmoore and I have to admit that I am flummoxed.  Why is she still a democrat?