Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Democrats, Temper Tantrums Or Honesty

I'm sure you've heard Democrats whine that the Bush administration lied in order to take the nation to war against Iraq.  Don't forget.  Over half the Democrats in the Senate voted for the Iraq war resolution.  Oh, I know, the typical Democrat ignoramus will say that the Democrats believed the Bush administration's lies.

But that would mean that the Democrats simply acted as a rubber stamp for the Bush administration.  The Democrats in the Senate have told all of us since January of 2001 that they are a co-equal branch of government with oversight power.  Didn't they exercise that oversight power?  If they simply took the administration's claims at face value then they didn't.

The senators on the Intelligence committee had access to CIA Director George Tenet in closed door secret meetings and one on one conversations.  Yes, I know, Tenet was part of Bush's conspiracy and lied to the Senate too.  Anyway that's what the Democrat true believers claim.

Of course, a claim like that CONVENIENTLY forgets that Tenet was a Clinton holdover.  Also, Patrick Fitzgerald's investigation has revealed that there was a conflict between Vice President Cheney's neocons and Tenet's CIA.  So to claim that Tenet and other CIA officials would have lied to Jay Rockefeller and others in private closed door meetings to help the neocons make the case for war defies credulity.  Yet, that is what the room temperature IQ crowd of Cindy Sheehan and others want us to believe.

Now, Harry Reid and others want additional investigations into prewar intelligence.  They are going to stomp and hold their breath until they turn blue if they don't get them.  They demand investigations now, but in October of 2002, Harry Reid and his band of two year olds acknowledged that Saddam was a threat and that the best intelligence showed that Iraq had not complied with UN demands to disarm.

Now when it suits their political purposes, they want to claim that they were duped.  If they were as easily duped as they now claim, what gives them the right to lead?

Perhaps those of you backing Harry's diaper brigade should ask yourselves a few questions.  Does it really make sense that the Bush administration, as incompetent as you believe it to be, could have managed aconspiracy so wide ranging as to include Tony Blair and John Howard of Australia?  Does it really make sense that George Tenet's CIA, which was no fan of Dick Cheney and the neocons; would go along with that conspiracy, knowing that no WMDs would be found and he would be blamed too?  Does it make sense that the Democrat "leadership" on the Intelligence Committee would simply take a hated Republican President's word for the reason to go to war without checking things out themselves?  Do you have the guts and the intellectual honesty to really ask yourselves these questions?

Of course not.  If you did, then you wouldn't be Democrats.


Anonymous said...

If the Democrats want to investigate the intelligence, then we must make sure they go back to the initial regime change in Iraq initiative that passed Congress in 1998 and see the intelligence since then.  That means all the intelligence cited by Hillary and Bill and John Kerry et al.  Should be interesting.

Anonymous said...

I do believe you are dead on target. I still hold out the hope that Most of the junk that we hear on the news and from the "Democrat Loud Mouths" is not the thoughts of the everyday American.

Anonymous said...

Nearly the first words from Sen. Reid were about his newborn grandchild.  I knew there was a weak argument coming, for appealing to parenthood or compassion for the downtrodden are used only when the speech has many weak points.  It did.  It was also the introduction to one of the most underhanded tricks I've ever seen by the Senate.  Closed sessions are necessary occasionally, but to call for a closed session with no advance notification to the other side of the aisle smacks of 'at any cost' politics.   Thanks for the good blog, as usual.  Cuffie

Anonymous said...

You are of course, right.  What gives them the right to lead if they are so easily mislead by a dimwit like GWB?  
