Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Hollywood Elites Out Of Touch

Last night, Hollywood put on fancy dresses and tuxedos and told the people of the United States that the greatest love affair of the year was between two gay cowboys, one of whom was cheating on his wife; that Islamic terrorists are sympathetic figures while Americans are selfish fascists who have few redeeming qualities and that we should be forced to accept in your face transgender identity.

The Golden Globe Awards, yesterday evening, honored "Brokeback Mountain", "Syriana" and "Transamerica" as the best that Hollywood has to offer; once again proving that anti-Americanism and a rejection of traditional morality are positives in the glitter capital of the world.

Amazingly, Hollywood has also spent the past few weeks wondering why Americans don’t go to the movies anymore. Attendance at movies is down 10% from last year, continuing a trend of the past few years.

If you read any of the trade publications or columns by movie critics, they offer a multitude of excuses for this trend, and without exception, they reject the idea that content and subject matter have anything to do with it. That’s right, Hollywood insiders appear to be incapable of self examination.

Hollywood elites fly from coast to coast and throughout Europe, and despite their worldliness, live rather insulated lives. They share their political and cultural values with Northeastern liberals from the East Coast and urban European secular socialists. To them, fly-over country, the Red States, consist of toothless morons playing banjos.

They believe they have a responsibility to re-educate us and our children. They believe that it is up to them to dilute the influence of typical American values, which they view as parochial and unenlightened, and replace them with secular anti-Americanism and sexual license without consequence.

In the wake of the 2004 election, you would have thought that they, the Hollywood elites, would have examined themselves and how they were out of touch with the American people. They didn’t. They simply decided that we in the Red States were stupid and in need of their influence.

I realize that Hollywood believes movies like "Brokeback Mountain" and "Transamerica" perform a valuable service by forcing Americans to face aberrant sexuality; but how do you explain "Syriana" and its sympathetic portrayal of Islamofascists?

I know Hollywood thinks the Red States are unenlightened when it comes to homosexuals and transgenders, but do they really think that those kind sympathetic Islamofascists would embrace a movie about two gay camel herders?

Yeah, Hollywood put on its tuxedos and fancy dresses last night and reminded the rest of us just how out of touch they really are.



Anonymous said...

I did notice last night, that very few of the stars would talk about politics..and the reporters kept trying to get them to do just that..But I also noticed in the newspaper that none of those 3 movies are doing good at the box office, even if Hollywood gives them great acclaim..It seems that people are sick of takingf their children or letting their teens go to movies anymore, and now that everyone has a DVD, they just buy or rent movies..Myself,I am a movie addict, but there are movies that I will not attend anymore, becuse of the politics of the stars in it..I know that sounds childish, but it is my way of saying..to them..Kiss my royal rear, and eat your movie..The box office is what counts at the movies and if it keeps going down, no matter the praise of Hollywood..Soon, the stars won't be so specific about their politics, especially since they don't understand politics, anyway.

Anonymous said...

Steve, perhaps Hollywood is changing at long last.  It's interesting to note that Mel Gibson's portrayal of the crucifiction was a top moneymaker.  Also, my daughter and her fiance drove 40 miles round trip to see 'The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.'  C.S. Lewis was a prolific writer and my daughter has read much of what he wrote.  Let the Hollywood elite continue to think of us as 'toothless morons playing banjos' and those who know better will replace them as Hollywoods top stars and moneymakers.

Thanks for the blog.


Anonymous said...

LOL  Any wonder why Cher is now singing commericials for Weight Watchers and Susan Sarandan is doing commericials for face make up; something they swore up and down they would never do.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for expressing my opinion so very well!  Your comments have blessed me down to the very tip of my very conservative toes!  We boycotted the Golden Globe Award and will boycott all of the shows that you mentioned.  We HIGHLY RECOMMEND a great movie and if we all went to see these kinds of shows maybe Hollywood would get the message!  Go see GLORY ROAD!  Wonderful show and a far cry from what these bleeding heart liberals want for your entertainment!