Monday, February 20, 2006

"Mommy" finally admits what Democrats think

I have finally seen it all.  Democrats are finally admitting who they are and what they believe.  Jeremy Zilber has written a book entitled "Why Mommy Is A Democrat".  It isn't a revelation to those of us that have understood the socialist nature of the Democrat party for a long time, but it is amazing that the Democrats would actually embrace this openly.

"Mommy" is a mother squirrel with several cute little kid squirrels.  The book shows these squirrels facing day to day trials and challenges and comparing it to the Democrat party and what a government run by that party would do.  For example, one page shows a homeless man sitting on a park bench with his hand out.  A rich couple walks by and does not help him, while in the foreground you see Mommy looking out the window while her two little squirrels play with blocks and let a mouse play with them too.  The page says, "Democrats make sure we all share our toys, just like Mommy does." 

Nope, I'm not making it up.  That is really what is on one of the pages of this book.  In fact there is another page that shows a giant elephant lumbering down a path, about to run over a homeless man, while the Mommy squirrel gets her little ones out of harm's way.  That page says, "Democrats make sure we are always safe, just like Mommy does."

In fact, "just like Mommy does" is a phrase that keeps gettng repeated in this book.  I have tried for years to tell everyone that would listen that the Democrat party considers the masses to be incompetent children in need of the protection and benevolence of a Democrat controlled nanny government.  Now here I have the Democrats saying it themselves.

The book's website states that this book "depicts the Democratic principles of fairness, tolerance, peace and concern for the well-being of others".  Apparently freedom isn't a Democratic principle.  Obviously, self reliance isn't a Democratic principle.  We already knew that patriotism wasn't a Democratic principle.

No, Democratic principles involve "Mommy" government removing risk from our lives and eliminating the consequences of our own actions.  Democratic principles involve gently scolding us when we don't coddle deviance.  And now we have in a cute little book the Democratic principle of brainwashing our children because Democratic ideas would never win in a fair fight.

The author says that the book reflects his "passion for progressive (read socialist) politics, (his) sense of humor and (his) academic training in fields such as political psychology and socialization."  In other words, Mao could have used him during the Cultural Revolution.

The Democrats can't win by embracing socialism with those of us that still understand the concepts of liberty and limited government.  But they can win in the future if they raise a generation that believes that government should assume the role of mother and nanny.

The next time some Democrat tries to tell you that Democrats don't believe in nanny government and socialism, tell them about "Mommy" and what she finally admitted.



Anonymous said...

What really gripes me is when you are talking to the democrats and they question whether you would want to help those who are in need.  My real answer, the one they do not seem to hear, is that of course I will help those who are in need - if they show that they will use the help to help themselves.  That is the part that seems to get lost with the democrats.  They want to help without expecting the person to use this to learn to help themselves.  Then when you say that you don't think the government should be the one helping then you get painted as not being compassionate.  

Mario Cuomo was a past master at this technique.  He made a career of using it to paint his republican opponents with the tag of not being compassionate.  The main problem is that he would evade making the decisions and letting the sunset laws work here in New York.  There is a law that if the governor does not either veto or sign a bill within a period of time - I think it is 45 days - then it automatically becomes law.  Mario would let any bill that might be controversial sit there until it became law automatically.  Then if it worked he would take credit for it while if it was a screwup he would blame the legislature.  That worked for him for years.
End result was that he actually never had to stand up to the welfare assistance lobby so he could keep portraying himself as compassionate while the republican state senate got painted as standing in the way of helping those who needed help.

Looks like this author is trying the same scheme for the national party now.  The problem is that you have to get your message out there about helping them to help themselves before the dems paint us into the corner as not being compassionate.  With our media this is not going to be easy.  They are already lined up for the dems to begin with.  I just hope the national republican is ready to battle this technique before

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh.  I am willing to bet, dollars to donuts, that this mother was not the democratic voting mother of Nixmarry Brown!!

Anonymous said...

try asking a liberal why the party that demands that our government do everything for us is the same party who screams the loudest when the government trips over its own bureaucratic (left) feet in doing anything?

Anonymous said...

Valuable resource of Democrats news summaries: