Friday, May 19, 2006

Leftism and Amnesia

I suppose it's possible to be a liberal Democrat in America without amnesia, but significant memory loss sure makes your life easier.  Democrats seem to have this unfortunate disorder, causing them to believe that recorded history began somewhere between November of 2000 and January of 2001.

If you don't believe me, look at the Democrats number one talking point, "Bush lied!"  The Democrats' statements about the threat of Saddam Hussein and his WMD programs throughout the 1990s and up into this century has been spread over the web ad nauseum, so I won't repeat it.  What about the Democrats' claim, though, that Bush "lied" about Saddam's dealings with Al Qaeda.  Idiots like John Conyers and Nancy Pelosi repeatedly make the statement that Saddam had no ties to Al Qaeda and that Bush made the phony connection to justify "his" war.

Let's go back a few years, though.  Do you remember Bill Clinton blowing up an aspirin factory in Sudan in 1998?  What do you think the reason was?  It was because the Clinton Administration had evidence that Saddam's WMD experts were working with Al Qaeda to create weapons for terrorists to use.  You don't believe me?  Check Clinton's Defense Secretary, William Cohen's testimony before the 911 Commission.  Cohen is nominally a Republican and must not be affected by the amnesia.

Democrat amnesia is also exhibited in discussions about socialized medicine.  What is one of the main reasons that Democrats such as Teddy Kennedy give for saying the current system is broken?  Greedy HMOs.  Health maintenance organizations deny coverage, inflate costs and take medical decisions out of the hands of doctors.  You've heard all the complaints.  Guess who was the father of the HMO?  Yep, old Teddy himself.  In the early 1970s, the owner of Ted's Driving and Diving School, put together the legislation that led to HMOs.

As a side note, Ted also "fixed" the immigration problem in the mid 1960s.  I suspect he doesn't remember that either.

More evidence of this mass loss of memory is the Democrats' mantra that Vice President Cheney's Energy Task Force led to Enron's rape of California and the fraud committed by  Enron's officers and directors.  If you look at the calendar, you will see that Enron's price gouging in California began in 2000 and was over by the summer of 2001.  President Bush's energy proposals hadn't even come up for a vote.  Nothing that Cheney's group proposed had any actual effect on ANYTHING that Enron did or didn't do.  Apparently, though, the Democrats don't even remember who was President in 2000.

I know that someone is going to try to claim that Republicans suffer from this selective loss of memory as well.  No doubt, someone will say "what about statements by Cheney and Condoleeza Rice in early 2001, that Saddam was contained and no threat?"  That these officials changed their tune wasn't a result of memory loss.  It was a result of 9/11.  Oh yeah, I forgot, the Democrats don't even remember 9/11.  Hell, sometimes I wonder if they remember they're Americans.


Anonymous said...

Steve, this is a winning article as well as all articles you write.
I wish it were possible this could be in all the liberal newspapers and newscasts, but we know who the strings are held by, don't we?
We miss your presence on the New York Times message board in posting those wonderful post you once did.
It's just not the same without you. I have given up on the libs as they are suffering badly from amnesia as you quoted. I still post my views once in a while whether they like it or not. I try not to respond to any of their banter, as it solves nothing.
Keep on writing these good articles, I enjoy them.

Anonymous said...

I am attacked by the leftists amnesia fact, I am sure they have lost their short memory as well as having amnesia..They are like their last presidential nominee..flip-floppers...and they tell some big whoppers that comes from being an amnesiac....You hit it right in the spot, LL.......

Anonymous said...

I dont call it Amnesia Ward. Its actually their crazy belief that they are right on everything and they know whast right for everyone. Its not a diesease its a ignorance that we all want the democratic way of goverment.

 They may not be miltary minded but they will tell you how to fight a war to lose and they may not know business but will tell you how much money you should really be making in business becasue they know whats right..

thats why they see Clinton as a Hero not amneisa its because they dont do no wrong and they know whats right in eveything.. Even Bill's play with Monica was Okay probably because it was right for Bill to keep Monica happy.. a goverment entitlement I guess..

So you see Ward.. Its not amnesia its their beliefs thats the problem