I resent the condescending tone leftists use toward conservatives in arguments as if we had experienced the "wisdom" and "compassion" of leftism we wouldn't be so strident. I'm sure you have seen it too. If you would step out of your narrow minded bigoted cocoon you would enter into the light.
No, I haven't lived in a commune. I have avoided living in cities, except when I went to college, and it was my parents, who first preached the evils of leftism. My brother served in Vietnam, and while my parents were Republicans even before Vietnam; the Viet Cong flags, open drugs and sex of the VISIBLE portion of the anti-war movement made them even stronger against leftism. Like I've said before, where I come from, even Democrats aren't leftists.
I use the term leftism because people like Barack Obama aren't liberals in the sense of classical liberalism. They are leftists.
My first real exposure to leftism was when I was a freshman in college. It was a small Methodist junior college in my home county, but the tenured religion professor was a borderline Marxist and actually denied the deity of Jesus. Yep, that was a culture shock. I stood toe to toe with him in class for a couple of years. The discussions became pretty heated at times. I know, that shocks you. I was the only kid in class that would challenge him and he had a couple of students in there that were just as far left as he and as vocal as me. Still, my belief wasn't shaken. It simply made me study harder in order to answer each challenge.
When I got to the University of Tennessee, as a political science major, the professor that was assigned to me as faculty advisor turned out to be the most committed leftist on campus. I mean protests, arrests the whole nine yards. His parents were loaded and he had been a rebel since he was a kid.
Guess what? I actually liked him. He and I got along well. When he found out how conservative I was, he asked if I wanted a different advisor and I told him "no". This was the early to mid 1980s. I was a poli sci major and usually the only vocal conservative in my classes. The arguments went the gamut, from affirmative action to the Contras to campaign financing to speech to prayer in school to abortion. Like I said, I was usually the only vocal conservative in my classes. Even that didn't change my views. I became more convinced in the wisdom of conservative principles.
Things didn't change in law school. Again I found myself in the minority. Again I remained conservative and remained vocal.
And yes, I understand leftism.
Leftism, at its most benign, believes in governmental power over the economy rather than corporate power over the economy. Leftists believe that as long as there are fair elections then the government will make sure that the economy is more fair. Whereas corporations aren't interested in fairness.
That may be all well and good, but it's naive. Politicians and bureaucrats are only interested in maintaining their own POWER. They aren't more noble than corporate CEOs and if you guys really believe they are then YOU are the ones who need more experience, not me. Additionally, bureaucrats aren't elected. Finally, government has the power of the sword and prison. Corporations don't. Therefore, corporate power is less scary to me than government power.
Leftism doesn't believe that economic liberty is as important as freedom of speech etc. Leftists believe that property rights should be sacrificed for the good of the collective. That's a view that, if not kept in check, heads us down a slippery slope to where property rights mean nothing. As a result, as long as you keep advocating for more government control over how I can use my property, I will fight you.
Leftism believes in using taxation for wealth redistribution. If you don't believe me, read some of Jim McDermott's speeches about the death tax. He is one of the few in the American Left who isn't afraid to admit that he believes wealth redistribution is a laudible goal. Personally, I believe my accumulation of wealth and the ability to pass it to my kids is none of your business.
Leftism wants to rewrite history to focus on the warts of our great leaders of the past. Simply being honest is the reason given. In truth, the idea is promote a Howard Zinn view of history where the nation state only exists to serve the wealthy and the masses are oppressed and have no country. I find that view to be repulsive. No, our Founders weren't perfect. Yes, this nation, through its leaders, has done some bad things. But all in all the balance sheet is positive. Leftism undermines that view by promoting the negatives as somehow diminishing our moral superiority. Yes, I want to believe that the US is morally superior and I resent leftists trying to change that view.
Leftism wants to redefine morality in such a way where intolerance is the greatest sin, as long as intolerance is defined by leftists. Traditional morality is viewed as narrow mindedness. And anything less than a full embrace of nontraditional lifestyles is viewed as bigotry. You're wrong. There is no other way to say it. And don't use the lack of experience canard with me. I have worked with and for gay people and been friends with others, one of whom is now dead from AIDS. They were great folks. I don't deny they had a genetic predisposition to homosexuality, but their lifestyle was wrong and I'm not going to change my view.
Leftism opposes corporate globalism, but favors a more open world where all cultures and beliefs are given equal weight and validity. EXCEPT traditional Christianity. Don't say it I'm wrong. I'm not. I've had too many discussions with people on your side about this very issue. They would never attack Hinduism or Islam, or even Mayan human sacrifice the way they attack Christianity.
Leftism equates American dominance with imperialism. I disagree, but so what. You should be Americans first and leftists second. If your team is number one, don't gripe.
Leftism is interested in "saving the planet". A laudible goal, I suppose, if you believe it needs saving in a physical sense. However, you want to save it at the expense of consumerism. That I can't accept.
Leftists claim I'm wrong about how elitist leftism is. Diane Feinstein supported a handgun ban in San Francisco while keeping a handgun herself. Ted Kennedy supports alternative energy while opposing windmills where he might see them. Barack Obama calls us "bitter clingers" who wouldn't have to cling if our government took care of us.
You claim I don't get leftism. You're wrong. I get it. I hate it. It will eventually destroy this nation. I'm fighting against a tide that is too great. People claim to like freedom, but most really don't. It's too scary. Leftism provides some measure of security.
A great job of defining leftism, Lonelawyer. In the political forum I frequent, a leftist spammed the board with the question: "What is a liberal?" While making the distinction between classic liberalism and modern liberalism, yours would've effectively silenced the spammer as quickly as the filter did.
I wish to add to the hypocrisy list: Green Al Gore, who urges us to drive Prius' and change our lightbulbs, but hasn't grasped the notion that he and other limousine liberals could save even more energy if they lived in houses ten times smaller than theirs--that would include Tom Friedman, husband of a billionaire heiress who opposes drilling and wants us (not him) to cheerfully ride our bikes to work.
Great piece, as usual. I understand the left too but the people who always vote the D because mom and dad did, the people who vote the D because of their union, the people who vote for the D because they are too lazy to do diligence, the people who vote the D because they are already on the dole, the people who vote the D because they believe the Democrats are the party of the people, do not understand it.
9% of the population is far left (socialist/communist). They are the ones currently running the Congress, the Democrat Party and belong to organizations like MOVEon.org. How is it that 9% of the population when 60% claim to be conservative are able to control the direction our country is headed? Once the country has been taken over by the socialists, how long will it be before communism is imposed and the country is made part of the Global Open Society? Will Gyorgy Soros be the first dictator of the new People's Republic of Amerika?
I understand leftists too well...I see their goal for America, and I believe you're under-estimating the American people, they will not vote a leftist into the Whitehouse! The man behind Obama's success is George Soros. The multi-billionaire needs to be investigated for his participation in bringing down Lehman's, Fannie mae & Freddy Mac. He has the billions to manipulate the market. The mortgage bleeding has been going on for years, why did it come to a head just weeks before the election? What needs to be investigated? Any huge transactions that recently took place. Betty Lou Saltzman the society woman who introduced Barack to Soros instructs Barack on what to say and do. The puppet follows her instructions, in the beginning she commanded him to be against the Iraq war. Moveon.org receives campaign contributions from overseas and also George Soros.
The other point left out is the need for leftist's to eradicate Christianity! Leftists do not want our Nation to be guided by faith, they want us to worship the state instead of God. How else can they control us? They want God replaced by the state.
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