Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Death of Truth

It's no secret that the mainstream media is leftist.  Excuse me, progressive.  Polls have shown since the 1980s that around 80 percent of journalists vote Democrat.  Conservative Christians have long been viewed by the mainstream media the way jihadists should be viewed.  I say "should be viewed" because the media makes excuses for the behavior of jihadists.  Remember when the news media took umbrage with Ronald Reagan's "evil empire" statement?  The mainstream media is leftist and most of us on the right have learned to live with that.

This election cycle, though, truth and journalism have completely disappeared.  The mainstream media, in 2008, has outGoebbels Joseph Goebbels himself.  Remember the Soviet newspaper, Pravda?  "Pravda" is the Russian word for "truth".  Of course the paper printed nothing but Communist propaganda, but hey, it still claimed it was the "truth".  That's what we have now.  The mainstream media doesn't care about the truth.  It has become the propaganda arm of the Messiah, Barry "Dear Leader" Obama.

Imagine if a white Republican had burst on to the political stage seeking the presidency with a resume as thin as the Dear Leader's.  The media would be filled with story after story about whether this person was fit, ready, competent.  If you don't believe me, look at how they've gone after Governor Palin and she actually has executive experience and real world experience other than as a street agitator or a leftist guest lecturer.  Yet, even when Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden tried to bring up Barry's thin resume, the media passed on it with barely a comment.

Imagine if a Republican had been mentored, as a young boy, by a member of the American Nazi Party.  ABC, MSNBC et al would lead every night for weeks with that Nazi's writings, statements, etc.  Barack Obama was mentored by Frank Marshall Davis.  Davis was a Communist Party member who was very open about his beliefs.  Does the mainstream media care?  Not in the least. 

Imagine if a Republican attended a church for TWENTY years where the pastor preached racism, treated "middleclassness" as a vice, cursed America and expressed obvious glee over the United States being attacked by Islamists.  Well, you know what would happen. All Barry O'Messiah had to say was "I wasn't there.  I didn't hear that.  He's not the man I thought he was."  Hello!!!  Barry used phrases from sermons by Reverend Jermiah Wright all the time.  Michelle even talked about rejecting "middleclassness" on the stump.  The mainstream media doesn't care.  Actually, they do care.  They are actively suppressing this information in order to protect the "Dear Leader".

I could go on and on.  William Ayers is ignored by the media.  The influence of Saul Alinsky on Barry's view of the masses and what that really means is never discussed.  The mainstream media is determined to get Barack Hussein Obama elected President, Fuhrer, Dear Leader, Messiah or whatever. 

The media coverage of the financial crisis is the latest example.  Jim Johnson and Franklin Raines (big Obama adivsors) are neck deep in the Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac mess, but the media is more interested in Rick Davis who is McCain's campaign manager.  Even after the New York Times story on Davis was debunked, the Obama Propaganda Service, otherwise known as ABC, MSNBC et al, still won't mention Raines' or Johnson's role in this scandal.

That's another thing.  The leftist media continues to portray this as a scandal of free market greed.  Have you internet junkies seen the video of Democrat House members actively protecting Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac from scrutiny in 2004?  Here it is?

If Republicans had engaged in such blatant cronyism, the media would have had them all completely discredited in the press.  If you aren't an internet junkie or a listener to conservative talk radio, you wouldn't know about this.  The media is ACTIVELY covering up for the Democrats.  Why?  Because they are determined to help the Messiah get elected.

This is a scandal created by government FORCE.  Leftists, not conservatives, LEFTISTS forced lenders to give money to deadbeats.  All in the name of "fairness".  No, the Republicans didn't have the balls to stop it, but Leftists used Republican weakness and created this mess.

Now, the Ministry of "Truth" is actively trying to blame this idiocy on capitalism and Republicans.  It pisses me off that McCain, Bush and many of the inside the Beltway "conservatives" are letting them get away with it, but the fact is that JOURNALISTS should be looking into this.  They aren't.  They are in the tank, no, up the rear, of Barry and the leftists.

Liberal journalists want to blame the end of journalism on talk radio and FoxNews.  That's garbage.  All Rush, Hannity and FoxNews have done is give us a voice.  They don't pretend to be without opinion.  The Leftist Ministry of "Truth" claims to be objective.  The mainstream media hasn't been objective for decades.  They've finally reached the point where they don't care even about pretense.

If Barry gets elected, it will be because of an effective propaganda campaign and a media that actively suppresses the truth in order to achieve their desired result.  As Lenin said, "A lie told often enough becomes the truth."  The only truth the mainstream media has is that Barry is the Savior.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got an email saying the AOL.journals  is ending Oct 31.  When you find another home, post it on the NYT board, Lone.

The left ignores every effort to expose B.O.'s mentors and friends.  They KNOW that the media will not dissect and disseminate those stories.  They KNOW that the media is in bed with them.  And they KNOW that most Americans are not political junkies, but will give politics only enough attention to get their "news" (propaganda) from the leftist controlled alphabet networks.

Some cowboy wisdom, Steve:  "Love your enemies, but keep your gun oiled".