For a long time, smart (in their own eyes) leftists and even some conservatives have said that my anti-elitist views are irrational and "paranoid". Leftists like elites. I understand that. There are only two reasons to be a leftist. Either your think you're smarter and more noble than everyone else and, thus, should make the benevolent rules for the masses to follow; or you think you're a powerless victim in need of a benevolent all powerful champion to save you from the excesses of capitalism.
Leftists have always viewed us in the Heartland as merely potential Jerry Springer guests, trying to decide whether to pay the rent on our trailer or pay for new dentures. They don't believe we're smart enough to live our own lives or to know what is good for us in terms of national policy. Well I take that back. Leftists do believe that our fourteen year old daughters are capable of deciding to kill their unborn children without telling their parents. Beyond that, though, they believe that we, in flyover country, are clueless.
This election, though, has seen the resurgence of Republican elitists. These are the people who never really liked Reagan, were always uncomfortable around pro-lifers and think the Religious Right is a bunch of snake handling inbred hypocrites. David Brooks, the "conservative" columnist for the New York Times (yeah right), absolutely detests Sarah Palin. He has said that she "represents a fatal cancer to the Republican Party". This is the same guy who said, "Goldwater and Reagan were important leaders, but they’re not models for the future".
The bottom line is that elitists, both left and right, want government by oligarchy, or should I say aristocracy. Both sides believe in a ruling class and that we shouldn't challenge that natural order of things. These elites believe that because of going to a particular school, having a certain degree of "sophistication" or traveling in the correct circles that they have been ordained to make policy for us, the great unwashed. They don't believe government is the problem. They simply believe that government needs to be run by their club. The masses, in their eyes, are incapable of living as free and independent individuals.
Take the current media and left wing attacks on Joe the Plumber. Compare that to the pony tail guy in the 1992 townhall debate between George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton. The pony tail guy was the one who asked, "how can we, as symbolically the children of the future president, expect the two of you, the three of you to meet our needs...?". The pony tail guy was hailed as someone who gets it. The media loved the question, loved Bill Clinton's response and loved the entire attitude. In the eyes of elitists, the masses should think of themselves as children who need a benevolent imperial government to meet their needs.
Joe, on the other hand, doesn't want his "needs" met. He simply wants government to take less. He'll achieve or fail on his own. Because his question didn't recognize the need for a ruling class he is pilloried. In twenty four hours, more investigation was done on his background than has EVER been done on either Barack Obama, Bill Ayers or ACORN.
We now know that Joe owes taxes, his first name isn't Joe, he's been divorced, he's been involved in various businesses, he doesn't currently having a license as a plumber, and horror of horrors; he voted in the Republican primary. The Chosen One being mentored by a pervert communist in Hawaii is irrelevant, but no detail is too small to be missed about Joe.
The reaction by the elites to Governor Palin and Joe should be a lesson for all of us. America has a ruling class that desires to protect its own. Left or right, Republican or Democrat, they all consider us to be "bitter, (clinging) to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them...."
The elites have no problem with a society where people like Barbra Streisand, Whoopi Goldberg and Madonna have "relevant" political opinions; but people like Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber need to know their role and shut their mouths, unless they get invited to appear on Jerry Springer.
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Yes, it is truly amazing how two folks, who more clearly represent middle-class America than the rest of Congress and the prez candidates put together, can be pilloried by those who claim to support the middle-class. I suppose by "support" they really mean "patronize."
I'm not a populist. Still, the negative reaction to Palin and Joe make me wonder if we as a nation have moved from free will to willingly following those, who, as one liberal put it, are "enlightened, well-minded individuals with YOUR best NEEDS at heart."
One other thing--a trendy notion these days is that of Robin Hood, taking from the nobles and giving back to the "peasants." One TV show is even based on that, called "Leverage."
When Joe claimed that folks like Obama likening the rest of us to "peasants" should be resented, I jumped out of my chair and cheered.
Elitists worship credentials and knowledge, but they have no idea of what constitutes wisdom.
"This election, though, has seen the resurgence of Republican elitists. These are the people who never really liked Reagan, were always uncomfortable around pro-lifers and think the Religious Right is a bunch of snake handling inbred hypocrites."
Amen! A whole lot of Republicans, with names like Dole, Bush, Kemp, Hastert, McCain, etc..., saw a parade by the name of conservatism marching by one day. They jumped out in front of it and said, "Follow us, we're your leaders."
They were never anything more than pretenders, but we gave them the chance to lead and they led us right off a cliff. Conservative G.W. Bush, Conservative Bill Frist, Conservative Denny Hastert, et al took the levers of power and did nothing more than enrich themselves and so sully the good name of the Republican Party that we now face disaster.
Total repudiation awaits us come November. A liberal super-majority is going to take the House and Senate. A guy far to the left of Ted Kennedy will plant his haunches on a chair, behind a desk, in the Oval Office where once a guy by the name of Reagan sat.
We're doomed.
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