Tuesday, September 9, 2003

Nothing to say

Politics is my heroin.  I need it.  I am obsessed with it in all its glory and all its corruption.  I read everything I can about political philosophy.  From Machiavelli to Marx, from Goldwater to Chomsky, I read it.  I want to learn about all the different theories behind the role of government in society and how politics affects our day to day lives.  I am fascinated with political campaigns from local elections all the way to the national scene. 

Having said that, it would be safe to assume that I am going to be glued to the Democrat presidential debate tonight on FoxNews Channel.  Right?  Wrong.  The problem is that none of the candidates have anything to say to the American people or about their real political philosophies.  None of them have any strong positive belief system that they have shared with the public. 

The current crop of Democrat candidates have only one message.  They hate George W. Bush.  Their discussion of actual issues and how to deal with those issues consists of all the depth of an internet message board.  They want your vote, but they want it based on the fact that they are not George W. Bush.  Now, that is good enough for a Democrat primary season that will bring out the pirahnas of the party.  But for someone who wants to see vision and a real belief system it is a waste of time.

Oh, I'm sure that plenty of Democrats will disagree with my assessment but if they are honest with themselves, none of these candidates are political philosophers.  Al Gore was portrayed as a political thinker even though he really wasn't.  But the nine candidates on the stage tonight could make Al Gore actually appear to be Thomas Hobbes.  They are that shallow.

They hate Bush.  They tell jokes about Bush.  They would do SOMETHING different than Bush.  Now you've heard what they are going to say tonight.  So, you might as well join me and watch "Cupid" instead.  The thought processes on that show will be much more substantial than anything these nine have presented thus far.


Anonymous said...

<SMILES> It's always nice knowing we're in this thing together. Politics are an addiction I hope neither of us kick.

Anonymous said...

Since you didn't watch the debate? on Fox. Just wanted to let yu know that you were right on all counts.
Nana :)

Anonymous said...

Democrats never "debate" - they simply argue. They demonize their opponents to the point where Attila the Hun (a democrat, of course) would be palatable to the electorate. Fear and scare tactics are their modus operandi. It has served them well and it seems they will never abandon it.