Monday, June 21, 2004

Is consensus that important

John Kerry, who served in Vietnam, by the way, has attempted to walk a tightrope on the issue of the Iraq war.  He won't say that his vote for the war was a mistake, even though nearly everyone who wants to see Bush defeated this November opposes the war, often passionately.  Nor does he have the gonads to tell his party that the vote was right and that the war was right.  He saw what happened to Joe Lieberman.

Rather than taking the pro or con position, Kerry, who served in Vietnam, if you didn't know, has, instead, criticized President Bush for not obtaining a consensus in the United Nations before going to war against Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq.  He brags about how he is prepared to mend fences with the "family of nations", whatever the hell that is, and how he will go to the United Nations.

Kerry, who served in Vietnam, believes as much of the American Left does, that achieving consensus is more important than doing the right thing.  American sovereignty and independence is problematic to some of the nations in Old Europe, and thus we need to avoid rubbing France, Belgium and Germany the wrong way.

No one on the left ever considers the possibility that France et al have their own reasons for opposing the United States.  The motives of these nations are never questioned.  Never mind that France has been trying to assert its power separate from the United States and NATO ever since the early 1960s.  We are to ignore that Germany would love to recapture a little of its lost glory as well.  We are also supposed to forget that the majority of the United Nations is made up of corrupt authoritarian regimes that vote against the United States most of the time anyway.

All of this is unimportant to John Kerry.  Did I mention that he served in Vietnam?  He and his leftist comrades are uncomfortable with a world where the United States is the lone superpower.  Madeline Albright, Clinton's Secretary of State, admitted this a couple of years ago.  Jimmy Carter, the smartest man to ever be a total failure as President, stated that if the United States wanted other nations to comply with disarmament proposals, then the United States should disarm.

The Left's idea of consensus is that if we agree with our enemies and fickle allies that we are the problem, and then engage in self loathing and penance, then all our enemies will stop hating us, and the terrorists will go away.  You see, consensus, according to the Left, can only be achieved when WE, the United States change our position.

It all goes back to the fact that the American Left has a difficult time conceiving of the United States as right, honorable and just.  They can't see us behaving better than most of those around us.  The Left looks at America and sees a Scarlet Letter on our forehead.  They see an America that needs to be knocked down a peg or two. 

That is what the Left means when they use the word "consensus".  Personally, I prefer that we do what is right, whether anyone agrees with us or not.


Anonymous said...

The left has lost the ability to recognize "right," they have defended evil for so long.

Anonymous said...

If world consensus were the only criteria, we would have turned in our personal firearms, ceased spanking our children, and many other UN resolutions would be the law of our land without out consent.

I have read that John Kerry has stated that all military power should be held by the United Nations.  Considering the shift in power within that body, a President of the United States of America who held this belief could well destroy our national sovereignty and take the step necessary to lead to total world government.



Anonymous said...

Consensus  if fine as long as it's deciding flavor ice cream everyone wants for desert  - not when it comes to efending your rights and your country!

Anonymous said...

I like the blog I read yesterday that suggested we evacuate the UN and turn it over to Donald Trump to do with what he wishes.  That is about as close to the UN as I want my country to get.  They are almost as corrupt as the EUrocrats are - and that group has never been able to audit themselves and come up with a true balance.  Better we pull in all our troops and forget the rest of the world exists than accept second or third billing at the UN. Screw 'em and screw Kerry too!!  

Anonymous said...

lone lawyer, i'm old enough lawyer to remember when aclu was a good organisation.. almost 80.. but you are not a lone lawyer there are many of us who applaud your views.

Anonymous said...

I know research of some kind has taken place to conclude how this nation came to be a "leftist" nation.  I know people who are Republicans who state that they believe pretty firmly that their beliefs are now pretty much in agreement with what the Democrats preached in the beginning.  At that time, we could listen to the radio, read the newspaper, watch what was going on in our State and City, and make an informed decision as to who would best lead our Government.  Not any more - not when a Republican makes a mistake and the Democrats scream for punishment, but when a Democrat makes a mistake, the excuses for forgiveness are multiple.  A case in point was two articles in a newspaper discussing an error made by both parties at the same time.  The Democrat's  headline on the first page said nothing about blame, but at the bottom of the article, it was admitted the Democrat had erred.  The headline indicated something good.  Another article about the same subject regarding the Republican headlined the error, with no compliments whatsoever.  So I believe strongly that the news media is trying to color the mindset of the population by not apprising them of both sides of all issues.  I give them credit for  the shape our country is in.

Anonymous said...

bush will  need a miracle kerry is ahead or ties in west vir,flor,ohio,ark,new ham and today i see bush only has a 5% in nc all states that bush won in 2000 and it is looking like kerry will win all the state dem got in 2000 TIME is short for changing minds and he has no one to blame but bush  by the way that is over 80 votes in those state  I DID vote for bush in 2000 as i did for bush sr  but no more  . the bad part of this we  will have 16 years of the 2 john now ,bush could has been a good pres  but i would take BILL back over this bush or any one