Sunday, June 27, 2004

Lies, Mischaracterizations and Preemption

Al Gore has officially joined the insane kooks that dominate leftist thought in this country.  In a recent speech he accused the Bush administration of lying about the relationship between Saddam Hussein's Iraq and Al Qaeda.  He accused "browshirts" of carrying Bush's message "mentioning Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein in the same breath in a cynical mantra designed to fuse them together as one in the public's mind...." 

The current mantra of the insane left is that Bush subliminally convinced the American people that Saddam worked with Al Qaeda to cause the attacks of September 11.  Of course, that neglects the talking points of the pacifist nuts prior to the launch of Operation Iraqi Freedom.  Remember?  Back then, the talk was of how immoral the doctrine of preemption was.

Yes, the main justification for going to war with Iraq was preemption in the post 9/11 world.  We KNEW Saddam had not complied with disarmament resolutions.  We KNEW he had been supporting and courting terrorists for years.  We KNEW he hated the United States.  Therefore, we determined it was in our national interest to take him out BEFORE he became an imminent threat.  Yes, I said "BEFORE".  Therefore, if the Bush haters and leftist idiots want to have an HONEST debate, which they probably don't, the discussion should be on the doctrine of preemption.

A free and open society is at a distinct disadvantage in its attempts to combat terrorism. The easiest way for a nation to combat terror is to close its doors and restrict liberty in oppressive amounts. I am not a fan of the Patriot Act, yet, as of now, no essential liberties have been taken away. As a nation, though, we should not continue down the road of granting more and more domestic powers to the government in the interest of security.

How can a free society fight terrorism, without sacrificing essential liberty? Appeasement and concessions? That has never worked. Look at the example of Israel and the Palestinians. After the greatest offer of concession to the Palestinians by Ehud Barak, at the urging of the Clinton administration, violence by the Palestinians increased to horrifying levels. The fact of the matter is that no concession is ever enough to a terrorist.

Anyone who would engage in terror as a political activity is a true believer anyway. A true believer is almost invariably an absolutist. Concessions are treated by absolutists as a sign of weakness in their opponent and as one more step to their ultimate goal. All that matters is the ultimate goal. Compromise and living peacefully with your enemy are not terms that in the vocabulary of an absolutist true believer. Terrorists are not interested in compromise. No matter what our State Department thinks.

If concessions do not work, then what will? Sadly, it requires a complete revision of our thinking as a people. We can no longer wait to allow them to hit us first. We cannot allow ourselves to be at the mercy of shadowy groups that are in one place one minute and another place another minute. After Pearl Harbor, Japan did not activate a Romulan cloaking device, for you Star Trek fans, to hide after hitting us.

Al Qaeda and its brother organizations are not as concrete and stationary as Japan was in 1941. Thus, when we find them, we must hit them hard and with a force that provides an example to the world. When we get information that the government of a nation is providing ANY terror organization with assistance, they become subject to our harshest response. 

Am I talking about preemption? You may call it that, yet if the government of a nation is supporting terrorist activities IN ANY WAY, then how can punishing that nation be considered to be preemptive? You may call it preemption. I call it justice and preservation of our nation state.

Saddam and Al Qaeda had a relationship.  The Clinton Administration even acknowledged as much when it bombed the pharmaceutical plant in the Sudan.  After 9/11, waiting to see the growth and culmination of such a relationship could be disastrous.  Anyone who is honest knows this.

This war was about preemption and prevention.  More importantly, this war was right. 


Anonymous said...

Al Gore has gone over the edge of reason, into insanity....I believe that GW said in his speech about terrorists after 9-11 that we would hunt down terrorists and countries that harbored them or helped them, and that's what we did in March, 2003 by invading Iraq. I agree the preemption was called for and we answered the call. Those who now call the President a murderer and a liar, do not recall his message in March..That is too bad, and I think that this war, while frighteneing is the only thing we could do..We were right in doing so....

Anonymous said...

Al Gore has gone over the edge of reason, into insanity....I believe that GW said in his speech about terrorists after 9-11 that we would hunt down terrorists and countries that harbored them or helped them, and that's what we did in March, 2003 by invading Iraq. I agree the preemption was called for and we answered the call. Those who now call the President a murderer and a liar, do not recall his message in March..That is too bad, and I think that this war, while frighteneing is the only thing we could do..We were right in doing so....

Anonymous said...

I don't know about anybody else but I would a whole lot rather fight wars on the other guy's territory rather on mine.  We know from the statements of the Islamic activists that the whole of Western society is fair game and that killing Westerners insures the virgins or whatever in Heaven.  I don't know what else the leftists need to know to realize what is going on.  I guess that if we are not attacked, then there is no problem.  Sorry, leftists, been there, done that, got the t-shirt.  Didn't work in the 1930's with Chamberlain and De Ladier and isn't going to work now.  If they want to wait until the attack before they take action, excuse me out.  I would a whole lot rather stop the attack before it happens.   If the leftists can't understand that, then let them go over there and serve tea to the enemy and see how far that gets them.  

I used to take the E-train to work to the WTC and then switch there for the 2 train to Wall Street every day.  I would have been under the WTC around 8:45-8:50 on the morning of 9/11/2001 if I had not had to get batteries for my hearing aids.  That means that I would now be dead if I had been on time.  My friend's son started a new job a month before then.  His whole staff where he used to work was wiped out to the last man.  I am not in the least interested in trying to figure out why the bastards hate us and doing something about that.  I did nothing to them in the first place.  Their hating me is their problem, not mine.  I just want them all dead before they make me dead.  Not too much to ask in my opinion.  Let the leftists try to figure out if Atta met someone in Prague or OBL had his men trained in Iraq.  It is enough for me to realize that Saddam paid the suicide bombers and provided training camps for terrorists - not insurgents or militants - terrorists.  Al Gore and his buddies can deal with their issues. &nbsp

Anonymous said...

I'm only glad he is from Middle Tennessee, Mr. Ward. I would be twice as sad if he were from the East Side. "Tennessee, sounds good to me".. when Al shuts up.