Tuesday, September 21, 2004

What if CBS were FoxNews?

Today I want to present you with a hypothetical scenario.  Let's suppose that a former member of Vietnam Veterans Against the War had contacted FoxNews Channel with documentary proof that John Kerry and the VVAW were working in coordination with the North Vietnamese government in 1971.  This proof consisted of correspondence, supposedly written to Kerry by the chief negotiator for North Vietnam and a copy of Kerry's written response.  FoxNews decides they want to use this documentation and produce a Special Report expose hosted by Brit Hume, proving that, not only was John Kerry against the Vietnam War, he was FOR the North Vietnamese.

After the network receives these documents, two things happen.  One, Roger Ailes immediately calls Karl Rove and says, "You may want to talk to this guy that used to run with Kerry.  He has stuff that will destroy him."  Secondly, these documents are examined by experts who tell FoxNews they are most likely inept forgeries.

Let's also suppose that Brit Hume insists on running with the story anyway.  The expose airs, and within hours experts are on rival networks calling the documents forgeries.  Hume, though, stands by his story, and finally after every expert in the nation weighs in that the documents are phony, he simply states that the allegations remain true even if the documents are not true.

The resulting outcry would end FoxNews and probably end George W. Bush's campaign, depending on how much coordination there was between Ailes and Rove on this story.  Yet, the scenario I described actually happened regarding President Bush's Guard service. The players were Dan Rather, CBS producer Mary Mapes, Joe Lockhart and Max Cleland of the Kerry campaign and Bill Burkett who hated George W. Bush before hating George W. Bush was cool.

The most we get from the mainstream media is cluck clucks about the damage to CBS' credibility.  No one even wants to look at connections to the John Kerry campaign.  The mainstream media wants to claim they don't have a bias.  So should we, the American people, simply accept that coordination between Kerry campaign officials and TV newsmagazine producers on a story designed to smear the President is merely the standard operating procedure of an unbiased media apparatus?  Yes, unless of course we're talking about FoxNews.




Anonymous said...

you are absolutely correct... robert lipton esq

Anonymous said...

You can bet your bottom dollar that the liberals would have a field day and they would already be getting Congress to start hearings on "right-wing" activisim and did the RNC play an active role.