I truly believe that God calls men for certain times in history. Yes, I know, that isn’t an enlightened way to think, but as a student of history I can think no other way. Imagine how different the Revolutionary War and the early years of our Republic might have been without George Washington at the helm. He was an inspiring figure so beloved that many wanted to declare him King after the defeat of the British. Yet, he was humble enough and self effacing enough to ensure that this nation would not become a monarchy like Europe.
Abraham Lincoln was the perfect President to face the horrors of the Civil War. Lincoln’s unique skills had not manifested themselves during his earlier life, and it is doubtful that he would have been a successful peacetime President. Yet his resolve saved the and ended the scourge of slavery. It is highly unlikely that any of his contemporaries could have accomplished those feats.
Franklin Roosevelt was the right man for the job of President during World War II, just as Churchill was the right man for the job of British Prime Minister during that dreadful war. Ronald Reagan was the only man who could face down the Soviets and make them blink.
The point that I’m making is that throughout history, the cause of freedom has advanced. The right people have been in place to lead that advance. You may choose to believe that this is an accident, a mere random chance; but I don’t. It is evidence of the Divine Hand of Providence watching over our nation.
With all my heart, I believe that George W. Bush is another one of those leaders who is chosen for a particular challenge. That challenge, that enemy of freedom, is Islamofascism. George W. Bush is a man guided by faith. He isn’t a man who believes that being President is merely a goal in and of itself. President Bush recognizes the moment in history we face. He recognizes that the choices we make today will reach out into the future.
President Bush sees the enemy clearly. Just as Lincoln saw that the Union MUST be preserved, even if places like Gettysburg, Shiloh and Antietam had to become blood soaked cemeteries, just as Ronald Reagan saw that the Soviet Union was the “Evil Empire” that must be confronted even as the world was calling for appeasement and disarmament; George W. Bush sees that this moment in time brings us to a clash of civilizations and ideologies that must be won. George W. Bush has the faith and the fortitude to face this moment, even if it isn’t the popular thing to do.
I have already voted. This week, I will drive my wife and my mother to the polls. Then, we will have done all we cando to stand by this courageous man as he stands for our country and our way of life. After we vote, the battle is in God’s hands.
This is a nation that has been blessed by God in unimaginable ways for the past two hundred and thirty years. In recent years, it hasn’t been cool to acknowledge that. We have become dismissive of God’s blessings. I sincerely hope that, as a nation, we haven’t rejected HIM to the point that HE allows us to fall. For whether we like it or not, our nation’s future is in God’s hands.