Something happened, last week, to depress me about this election. No, I’m not talking about W’s refusal to punch Kerry’s repeatedly unguarded chin. I must say, the President’s lack of attack made me want to throw things at the television, but that was not nearly the worst news of the week.
The worst news was the news media trumpeting the hundreds of thousands of newly registered voters this election cycle. It seems that several groups have been out and about using streamlined voter registration laws to get otherwise uninformed and misinformed people to register to vote. “Isn’t that a good thing?” “Shouldn’t we have more citizens participating in the process?” Not really.
Voting is the most important DUTY that any citizen has. The choices made affect all of us. Therefore, the last things we need are more clueless people voting. Think about it. These groups are setting up tables at shopping malls and college campuses urging people who have no real interest in the political process to register to vote. Many of these people would go through their entire lives without ever casting a vote if these interest groups didn’t shove the form in front of their faces.
These people tend to be the ones that don’t study issues, watch news programs or listen to entire political speeches in context. They are the people who tend to be influenced by soundbytes, celebrities and who are prone to believe stupid statements like “ah feel your pain,” and “Bush lied people died.” These people are really sheeple.
We have enough sheeple voting in this country. The Democrats have survived as a national party, thanks to sheeple. Democrat politicians, for over thirty years, have said that Republicans want to restore Jim Crow laws and burn down black churches. The sheeple believe it. Democrat politicians, for over thirty years, have said that Republicans are going to take away Granny’s Social Security check and make her eat cat food. The sheeple believe it. Democrat politicians, for over twenty years, have claimed that Republicans WANT poisoned water and air. The sheeple believe it.
These sheeple are even taken to the polls by activists from the AFL-CIO and the NAACP. They typically don’t show up in polls. Therefore, it’s safe to add, at least, two percentage points to any percentage the Democrat candidate has. In a close race, these newly registered sheeple are going to make the difference.
I truly fear that this is a constituency that can carry John Kerry over the top. If the Democrats get enough sheeple to the polls, it’s going to be very difficult for the President to win.
I beleive the 2 to 5 percent counterweight to the newly influenced voter is the silent majority. Yes, the good ole silent majority - the mature group who take no pleasure in the political forums, political debates, dont take part in surveys, the ones who dont lay down in front of traffic to protest the war in Iraq, etc etc etc.
Conservative oriented people only show up on the radar only to vote and thats it. I believe there's enough of them to counteract what's happening, at least for now.
As always, you hit the name on the head...You always seem to voice MY greatest fears..How DO you do that?
Jenny AKA Politikchick
Can't blame you for being depressed. The liberals have taken over the democrat party, and liberals treat politics like a religion. They've replaced God with Government so naturally they are more aggressive in recruiting people to serve their false God, government. I think it's amazing a President can run on a raise the tax policy for the common good, and many people will still vote for him. I've been depressed since the news media hasn't raised the question of John Kerry negotiating with the enemy in Paris while we were fighting in Vietnam. I'm tempted to give up voting and watching any news station if Kerry is elected.
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