Kurt Vonnegut has always been an enigma to me. I knew enough of his biography to know that he is a leftist, not a Stalinist; but certainly an anti-American, anti-capitalist pacifist. Slaughterhouse Five, for example was written because of the Allied bombing of Dresden in World War II.
However, this same author wrote the short story, Harrison Bergeron. For those of you who don't know, this short story sings the praises of liberty and libertarianism as well as anything written by Ayn Rand. In Harrison Bergeron a society exists where no one is smarter than anyone else. No one is more talented. No one is more beautiful. Steps are taken to make the beautiful ugly, the smart dumb and the physically gifted handicapped. It is the ultimate equal society. No achievement but no losers either. It is the perfect American leftist fantasy. In college, it was the story that turned me against modern liberalism and political correctness once and for all.
Vonnegut, though, now, has proven once and for all his anti-American soul. In a recent interview, Vonnegut stated, regarding Islamic terrorists, "They are dying for their own self-respect. "It's a terrible thing to deprive someone of their self-respect. It's like your culture is nothing, your race is nothing, you're nothing."
Shocking, isn't it? It shouldn't be. This is how leftists think. Remember when Michael Moore said that Al Zarqawi and the insurgents in Iraq were "minutemen"? Remember when Chrissie Hynde of The Pretenders said that she hoped the Muslims won?
Go to any political message board on the internet. The leftists will have messages talking about the terrorists in Iraq as defenders of their homeland; as if the Iraqis who support the Americans are somehow disloyal to their nation. They will ask conservatives, "What would you do if your home was invaded?" They will then follow it up with some cute comment about right wingers reminding them of the Tories who supported English rule in the American Revolution.
Yes, the leftists, despite their protestations, support the enemies of the United States. Remember, these are the same people who wanted the Viet Cong to win in the1960s. Don't say that's not true. Even liberals recently have had the guts to admit as much. Michael Walzer being one of them, and most recently Kurt Andersen who said, "At a certain point during the Vietnam War, a majority of Americans--those of us who were in favor of unilateral U.S. withdrawal--were in a de facto alliance with the North Vietnamese, the Vietcong, and the Soviets. Unpleasant but true. . . ."
That's what today's leftists want in Iraq. They want the US to withdraw. By necessity, that means that the enemies of this nation win. Not only do they not care about that, they really want that. They want the "brave" "minutemen" to defeat the big bad United States.
You probably need to ask a psychologist to give you the technical name for a psychosis that wants you to repeatedly see your country defeated. It has to be a psychosis, though. Yes, I said it. Leftism is clearly a mental illness. There can't be any other explanation.
I believe, to the bottom of my heart, that the true liberals in this country will all kill themselves if this war ends, and Iraq's government is settled and all the troops come home, while Bush is President..To want your very own country to lose because of partisan reasons is sick, sick, sick, and the liberals that are on the messages boards, day after day, prove that power is the name of their game, and they prove that being a Patriot means nothing to them, except they think it's silly and not proper to show that you love your country..no matter what. There are some who have just about driven me away from the boards, because of this..I do not want to be in the company of traitors..and that's what these people are,,TO ME......
The obsession with political correctness is in itself an indication of low self esteem. Those who are comfortable with what they believe and are confident in themselves can tell it like it is -- from their point of view -- regardless of what others think. It takes no courage to be politically correct. It takes no boldness. It's kind of hard to find a hero amongst the politically correct.
Kerry isnt sincere, he does not believe what he says. I feel the same towards most of the democrat leaders today. They are truly selfish, saying whatever puerile fragment of adolescent wisdom comes to mind first. We could literally fill an entire page solid with contradictory statements made by the left from the last 2 years alone. Those who cover these bafoons (including Fox) are respsonible for even making them semi-relevent.
I too read Harrison Bergeron, and I thought it was a masterpiece,........it was my first by KVjr. But then I read more of his work and became dissappointed. I had a similar experience with Ursela K LeGuinn (sp?)
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