Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Proud for the first time?

"...and let me tell you something, for the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my country..."- Michelle Obama, February 18, 2008.

Michelle Obama was born in January, 1964.  She graduated from high school in 1981, and she's only now really proud of her country.  I'm only a little more than a year older than her, so I think I have much the same frame of reference, but apparently she and I haven't lived in the same country.

I remember 1980 and being proud to be an American the day that the United States hockey team beat the Soviets.  I can still see Jim Craig wrapped in the American flag.  Apparently, that memory didn't evoke the same emotion in 16 year old Michelle Robinson from Chicago.

Also, in 1980, how could anyone hear one of Ronald Reagan's speeches and not be proud to be an American?  Reagan's speeches were all about the greatness of America and her people.  Reagan truly saw the United States as that "shining city on a hill".  Michelle Robinson Obama, though, is a liberal.  THAT is the difference between our memories and our pride.

Liberals don't see America as the shining city.  They don't see America as great.  They don't see her as exceptional.  Liberals see America as a land of corporate greed, racism, sexism.  Liberals see America as the tool of corporate globalists who exist to oppress Third World countries.

Liberals were aghast when Reagan called the Soviet Union the evil empire.  Most Americans, though, nodded in agreement with the President.  Liberals said "who does he think he is?" When Reagan demanded "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall."

I didn't intend for this screed to be about Ronald Reagan, but it's fitting that is has become so.  No one in my lifetime embodied pride in America and a positive outlook for his nation the way our 40th President did.  Reagan wasn't a Pollyanna that saw America as perfect and without flaws, but he sure didn't let her warts hide her beauty.

Liberals like Michelle Obama, see the warts, pick at the warts and deny that there is any redeeming quality in this nation.  I would love to sit down with Mrs. Obama and ask her what she felt when she saw the following:

1981- Sandra Day O'Connor becomes the first woman appointed to the Supreme Court.

1983- Sally Ride becomes the first American woman in space.

1989- Berlin Wall falls.

1991- The collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War.

Ronald Reagan saw optimism and inspiration when he looked out over this country.  When we saw America through his eyes, it only confirmed the pride we already felt in this nation.  There was no reason to be trapped in a malaise.  We were Americans. 

No other nation on the planet has used its power for good the way the United States has.  No other nation has championed the cause of freedom and individual liberty the way the United States has.  No other nation has sought to break the chains of bondage throughout the world the way the United States has.  None of this has made Michelle Obama "really proud", though.

Why  would anyone want to be around a liberal, let alone vote for one?





Anonymous said...

I believe her comment was much more than liberalism.  I believe she is an angry black woman who sees the world thru black colored glasses.  I believe she is a racist and when she refers to the regular folks, she is referring to blacks.  The black separatist church they belong to and the association with Farrakhan is a good indication of what is really in her heart and his too for that matter.  

So, therefore, with Barry doing so well, she's beside herself with joy that her folks have finally been woken up by the  "Hope" and "Change" mantra and they're  taking the guilty white liberals with them.  To her it is a joy to behold her husband becoming the next Messiah.

Truthfully, I think he is an empty suit and his message of hope and change will not sustain itself without substance; because his hope and change is nothing but socialism.  However, his empty message is catapulting him to the White House and even though he's slowly telling us what his hope and change really is, it might not matter.  His message has trumped HRC's experience message.  It could also trump the message of the old war horse.  

I wish we had him running as a conservative instead of the angry white fossil the MSM, independents and crossover dems have given us.  I am a dysenfranchised voter in PA along with millions of others across this country.  I'm going to be able to vote for McCain if I want to vote for a  Republican candidate for Prez in the primaries. Huckabee will probably be gone by the time we have our primaries in April, not that I would vote for him anyway.   I don't get to vote for Frank Thompson or Duncan Hunter or Tom Tancredo.  

I can just sit around and Hope for Change that someone will fix our broken system to make all the primaries on the same day but it will not happen.  Our country is going down to the socialists and that should make Michelle Obama so very proud.

Anonymous said...

My reasons for being proud of my country and proud to be an American are personal.
I’m glad I was born an American, and able to become all that I could be, to work and have a good home, to have three fine children, who are upstanding citizen in their own right. We all have decent homes, and plenty of material stuff to keep us warm and well feed. We have good health, we have a firm foundation in Jesus Christ and faith in God, and in  our country. America is the best place on earth to raise a family. When I think of the people who braved the shark infested waters of the Florida Straits, on rafts made of inner-tubes, to gain entry into our country, and the people who cross the border in the dead of night from Mexico, just wanting the good life I was fortunate enough to be born into, I thank God for my many blessings as a citizen of The United States of America. Michelle Obama is proud for the first time, and I can't count the times I've been overwhelmed by the pride I feel for my country. We have very different pictures of life in America.