The Leftist Democratic party in this country has preached for years that Republicans are "out of touch" with the common people. In fact, Bill Clinton took this attitude and focused on a previously undefined group called "soccer moms". It's not just Bill Clinton, though. If you listened to the speeches at the Mount of Transfiguration in Denver, nearly all of them talked about how Democrats are in touch and that the Messiah cares about real Americans.
What is the truth, though? Quite frankly, real Americans don't like losing wars. Real Americans don't consider themselves bitter, even though God is important to them, the Second Amendment is important to them and securing the border is important to them.
Few "real" Americans associate regularly with convicted terrorists who now teach our young people. Few "real" Americans attend churches where the pastor wants God to "damn America". Few "real" Americans, even those who call themselves pro-choice favor partial birth abortion and even fewer would support legislative action that permits aborted infants who are born alive to be tossed in a closet trash can to die. Few "real" Americans want to see Wal Mart punished causing their prices to rise and few "real" Americans want to be forced to give up driving automobiles with internal combustion engines.
That brings us to Governor Sarah Palin. The Leftist Democrats are attacking Senator McCain's choice for vice president with a viciousness that is usually reserved for Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush. This is a woman who has achieved in spite of not having a well connected family, not going to an Ivy League school nor being part of the good old boy network.
She's raising five kids, one of whom is deploying to Iraq, one of whom has Down's Syndrome and one of whom is having a baby. She has a husband who isn't rich, had a DUI when he was twenty two, and who races snowmobiles. She's fought tax increases. She's led her local PTA. She's had to make choices related to having a child, meeting a family budget and has actually shopped at Wal Mart. She isn't jaded by either K Street, Wall Street or Capitol Hill.
As governor, she's actually dealt with energy issues in a way that none of the other candidates have. She understands the need to balance environmental issues with energy needs, something that "real" Americans want, as opposed to the environmental ideologues in the Leftist Democrat party who would take us back to huddling in caves if it would "save the planet".
Having her oldest child in the military, she certainly doesn't take issues of war and peace lightly and has a perspective that is absolutely the perspective of "real" Americans. Unless you think that she wants to see her son killed, then you cannot claim that she willing to let soldiers die in a "war based upon lies".
Having a child that is going through an unplanned pregnancy, she knows what it's like to have your child give you the news that changes all your hopes and plans for that child. She also knows, though, that you cannot allow that news to become the end of the world. She knows that you deal with the issue, pull together as a family and do not view the baby as her daughter being "punished".
The Leftist Democrats can claim they are "in touch with America" all they want. However, they are the party that actually considers people in small town heartland America to be racists, religious bigots and the great unwashed. Their only interest in "real" Americans is to claim we're victims. Victims of our own ignorance and victims of nefarious corporate conspiracies. They tell us that we need the benevolent ruling class of leftist elites to protect us from corporations and ourselves.
Real Americans aren't victims. Yes, they have struggles. Yes, they face challenges. Your average American deals with those challenges and does the best they can to make a better life for them and their family. Their first thought isn't to abdicate their lives to a governmental agency. Your average American looks to himself or herself, family and community before they ever think about handing over the reins to Washington.
Sarah Palin is a real American and is truly in touch with the issues of real Americans in a way that few national politicians have ever been.
1 comment:
Lone, for all of their p-shawing, I honestly think the Dems are scared as Hell of Palin, for the reasons you listed above.
In AUDACIOUSLY choosing such a running mate, McCain bested Obama at his own game, while securing his conservative base. I think most Americans, including myself, considered it a refreshing change from a nominee like Biden, who reeks Beltway Establishment.
The Democrats still haven't learned what they should have from the Clintons--Americans like "real people" candidates, philosophical pseudo-intellectuals. The more they howl about Palin's middle-class insignificance, coupled with deriding all the challenges and choices everyday Americans face in their daily lives, they may well lose their appeal, becoming the stuffed-shirt elitists they claim to detest.
Bill Kristol made an insightful statement in a NYT editorial. He stated the Palin choice allowed moderate Americans who DID go to church, and who DID hunt, and who DO believe in limited abortion, to continue to do so without the spectre of shame put upon them by more liberal counterparts. Palin's appeal is certainly greater than Dems want to let on, and the Dems are REALLY afraid.
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