Today, I learned that the BBC has conducted a poll that indicates that the citizens of 22 countries that were polled favor Barack Obama in the Presidential election. The mainstream media reported this because they believe, along with most enlightened liberals, that this should show us that Obama is who we need to elect. The media, most college educated liberals, academics all admire modern Western Europe. They admire Europeans' supposed sophistication. They admire their ability to separate their religion from their day to day decision making. They admire their aversion to war and they admire their commitment to socialist ideals.
Liberals, and most media members are liberal, believe that the United States would be better off if we emulated those above described attitudes. Peace and fairness are the Holy (if I can use that word) Grails of liberal elitism and those goals require the diluting of religious belief and an increase of governmental control over "selfish" capitalist impulses.
Liberals believe that they know what is best for the masses. They want (sincerely I believe) to improve the lives of ignorant trailer trash. Ignorant? Look at the social programs devised by leftists. Go back to the beginning of socialism in America. Social Security was based upon the belief by leftist elites that the average American was too stupid, too oppressed and incapable of planning for his own seniority. Gun control laws are based upon the belief that we are children who shouldn't be allowed to play with dangerous toys. The Department of Education was based upon the belief that Washington DC elites knew better than local parents and educators what our children needed.
Leftists do care about us in Red State America, but they think we're trailer trash. Barack Obama admitted as much when talking to fellow elites in San Francisco. He believes we're bitter. He believes that bitterness is due to the fact that we don't have our needs met by an enlightened benevolent government. He believes that bitterness causes us to "cling" to unsophisticated things like religion, guns and patriotism. In his eyes, enlightened people don't cling to those things and content happy masses don't need to cling to those things.
I'm one of those "bitter clingers". I'm part of trailer trash America. I was born, raised and live in rural East Tennessee. My Daddy (yes I really called him "Daddy") only had an eighth grade education. He raised my brother and me on a farm while also working in a factory. My mother taught Sunday School for decades. I learned to shoot before I was eight. My first experience with wine was with the homeade variety. My first car was a truck. In fact I even lived in a mobile home for two years. I'm the folks that the liberal elites want to help and I'm the folks that don't want their help.
I actually believe in God and believe the Bible is the Word of God. (Ewww! Did he really say that?) I'm a flag waving patriot that believes that the United States is the greatest nation on Earth and has been specially blessed by God. (He's one of them!) I don't immediately look to Washington DC when trouble comes. (Well now, that's just dumb.) I actually believe that the right to keep and bear arms is just as important as any other right. (Gun nut!)
The media is shocked that so many people in small town America have identified with Sarah Palin. The media is less than thrilled that so many people in small town America have been humbled by John McCain's personal story. They are convinced we must be simpletons. They don't get it. Sarah Palin is one of us. Of course we identify with her. Senator McCain's story exhibits the patriotism, honor, and self sacrifice we admire.
We aren't Europe. We don't want to be Europe. I know that is horrifying to the elites, but it's the truth. That's the one thing that liberals don't get. We may be trailer trash, but we are American trailer trash. And there's more of us than there are of the "enlightened" media and the "enlightened" liberal elites. And for most of us, Jesus is the only Messiah we need. Sorry, Barry.
LOL--I want a t-shirt that reads "Another bitter voter who clings to guns and God"
Right on, Lone--this is what I've been trying to enlighten the enlightened ones on--how liberals forget that most Americans don't want to be talked down to--and liberals have a bad habit of doing that. Even on the issues, including the military, we're all too dumb to know what's good for us, and we need the enlightened to show us the way. I have argued on the negative side effects of the same perspective in Europe, and the American liberals will claim that just because it happened in Europe, it won't happen that way here.....
It's malarkey, of course, and it never really sways the public, who are then again stigmatized (ahem) by the liberals after the elections as "non-issue" oriented idiots who are too shallow and too brainwashed by religious conviction to be allowed to vote.
BTW--did you notice how the Left is now taking jibes at Sarah Palin's choice of names for her children? Ironic, ain't it?
"The media is shocked that so many people in small town America have identified with Sarah Palin. The media is less than thrilled that so many people in small town America have been humbled by John McCain's personal story. They are convinced we must be simpletons. They don't get it. Sarah Palin is one of us. Of course we identify with her. Senator McCain's story exhibits the patriotism, honor, and self sacrifice we admire."
You have to go back no further than October of 2004. The socialist UK paper, The Guardian, launched a massive campaign amongst its readers to write letters to the citizens of Clark County, Ohio in support of Kerry-Edwards.
You'll find the entire genesis of the letter writing campaign at this link...
If you do a little research you'll also find the massive backlash this flood of letters from leftists in the UK to average citizens across Clark County, begging them for the good of the Earth to vote Kerry-Edwards, caused. In 2004 Clark County was the ONLY county in the state that switched sides from the 2000 election, when it went for Gore, to Bush in 2004.
Holding the endorsement of 22 European nations is like the "kiss of death" from a Mafia Don when it comes to an American election.
What a great said below I too would like a t-shirt that says "another trailer trash republican". Thank you for your steadfastness to your beliefs regardless of the leftist who want to shove peace, love, and all that's cushy, down our throats. I have seen that a very derogatory term "w**** trash w****" was used in regards to me. I think it's because she sees that people can actually live quite happily right outside of Dayton, Ohio. Of course, she is a liberal who wants the token golden boy messiah for a President, mind you, one who has never ever donned a uniform. Thanks again for giving me a place to rant! I look forward to more of your entries. Sue
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