Thursday, May 27, 2004

Damned if you do...

Just to make it clear, there is nothing, short of mass suicide, that the Bush administration can do that wouldn't result in incessant carping by the leftists in this country.  This week confirmed this once again.

The Homeland Security Department announced  that it had information of a specific threat of action by Al Qaeda this summer.  The Justice Department went farther and gave names of suspects and asked Americans to be on the look out for these particular people.  The administration didn't raise the threat level, but did take extra measures.

Did the leftists in this country praise the administration for being proactive and for warning the public?  Not a chance.  The left immediately began spreading the claim that Bush did this for political reasons to distract the country and to improve his sagging poll numbers.  Once again, their hatred for Bush outweighed anything else.

These are the same people who want to know why Bush didn't do something more when he received a Presidential Daily Briefing on August 6, 2001, that was titled "Bin Laden Determined To Attack United States".  The memo spoke in generalities about things that the government had seen before, but Bush was supposed to do something different and was supposed to warn the public.  Now, when he is proactive, the leftists claim that it is only for political reasons and question whether there is a real threat.

Of course this consistent inconsistency on the part of the Left is expected.  They hate President Bush and his team and little else matters.  They criticize proactivity and preemption now, but demand it in hindsight. 

Let's consider the recent find of a sarin filled artillery shell in Iraq.  First, EVERYONE including the French, knew that Saddam hadn't accounted for more than two thirds of the weapons grade sarin that he was known to have.  Even the imbecilic "Bush lied" crowd can't deny that.  Now, let's assume that we hadn't attacked Iraq.  Let's assume that this shell had, instead, been discovered by its detonation in Washington D.C.  Further, let's assume that the detonation was conducted properly and that the sarin was released, killing thousands.

If, during the subsequent investigation, it was discovered that the shell had come from Iraq, can you not see the Grand Kleagle and the owner of Teddy's Driving and Diving School rising to the floor of the Senate to make pronouncements?  The speeches would go something like this:

"Our great and glorious leader, Bill Clinton, had told us for years what a threat Saddam Hussein's Iraq was.  President Clinton was instrumental in establishing a policy for this government that demanded regime change in Iraq.  This administration (sneer sneer) ignored that policy.  This administration (sneer sneer) even after 9/11, did not take the threat from Iraq seriously.  President Clinton and his capable staff had recognized that Iraq was dealing with terrorists on the issue of weapons of mass destruction.  Secretary Cohen confirmed that when he explained to this body why it was necessary to bomb the Al Shifa pharmaceutical plant in the Sudan.

This administration (sneer sneer) ignored these warnings.  Since 1998, it has been the policy of the United States to work toward regime change in Iraq.  This administration (sneer sneer) failed to act on that policy, EVEN after 9/11, and now, we have thousands dead in this very city from a weapon of mass destruction that came from Iraq.  Yes, the weapon came from Iraq, but the blood is on the hands of George W. Bush." 

The leftists would have demanded impeachment.  However, since the President did act proactively, and preemptively, the leftists want his head for an "illegal" war.  The bottom line is that regardless of what he does, the leftists in this country are going to attack George W. Bush.  Logic doesn't matter.  Reason doesn't matter.  Consistency doesn't matter.  All that matters is their seething hatred that blinds them to anything else, even to the fact that their behavior encourages the Islamists.

Fighting a war against Islamic terrorists is hard enough, but when you have to fight a fifth column of hate filled carpers at home, it becomes next to impossible.  I know, leftists in this country say they don't support the jihadists.  That may be true, but they sure do act like it. 



Anonymous said...

Bad actors like Al and Ted arent anything to worry about.  Even children are getting glimpses of their bad grade b acting and shake their heads. At least my kids are, and I havent even begun indoctinating them yet. :)

Barring a real Bush screw up (compared to the manufactured fantasies by the left), the next election will follow the pattern set in the 2000 mid term elections.

Anonymous said...

Once again, Lone, you nailed the leftists with their own rhetoric and hypocrisy.  I just wonder if our American troops aren't sitting in Iraq right now thinking "with 'supporters' like this, who needs enemies?"

Anonymous said...

Well, there is a silver lining behind every cloud they say and the silver lining here is " Hate if harbored long enough will eat one from the inside out" Perhaps by Nov. 2, they will no longer be here.  <G>
Good post LoneLawyer

Anonymous said...

"They criticize proactivity and preemption now, but demand it in hindsight." This statement is as accurate as any statement can come. I applaud you! Something brilliant this way comes; the Tennesseean!