Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Of Heroes and Heroism

A couple of recent events have illustrated with shocking clarity something that many of us have known about leftists for years.  They don't believe in heroes.  Before you protest my premise, let me prove it to you.

Notice the reaction of the American left to the death of Pat Tillman, a young man who gave up everything to fight for his country.  They have either provided muted praise, ignored it entirely or shown complete contempt for him and his sacrifice.  Now, I know that others have sacrificed as well, but you didn't see the left praising them either.

Then you have Andy Rooney, "60 Minutes" favorite disbeliever in everything, who, in a column, stated that the soldiers serving in Iraq weren't heroes.  He attempted to hide his typical mocking attitude, but wasn't successful.  His disdain for our military was apparent when he said, "Treating soldiers fighting their war as brave heroes is an old civilian trick designed to keep the soldiers at it."  In other words, these men and women aren't heroes, they're fools.

"But what about John Kerry", you say.  John Kerry isn't honored for his heroism on the battlefield.  Those medals simply serve as credentials on his curriculum vitae in order to make him an expert witness against foreign policy hawks.  Leftists parade his medals so they can sound smart when he and they attempt to weaken and destroy our military.

Of course, the left has used this same tactic with John McCain.  When he disagrees with administration policy, he's a war hero.  When he agrees, he's simply a Republican.

The fact is that the left rejects the idea that there can be ANY glory in war.  Therefore, bragging about battlefield heroics is akin to fascism.  Honoring military service for its own sake is militarism to a leftist.

W. T. Sherman called war "hell".  Robert E. Lee called war "terrible".  It is both.  However, a strong military is necessary to the survival of the nation state.  Heroic men and women are necessary to make that strong military.  Heroes need to be honored and heroism needs to be noted.  It is telling that leftists find it difficult to do that.

It is very fitting that when the leftists found a war hero to nominate for President, it was one that chose to use the fame of his heroism to announce his support for the enemies of this country.  Very fitting indeed.


Anonymous said...

Bravo.  I think you've nailed it.  

What's so troubling to me is how those liberals who claim to support the troops can overlook the heroism of those who have died, or who have helped make a difference in the lives of the Iraqis, to completely focus on the shortcomings of other troops, who they finally judge as being more representative of the military, based on their own research, which usually consists of several viewings of "Platoon."

What's more, liberals will tell you that it isn't about the troops in general--since they believe them to be largely uneducated and ignorant--but about those at the very top of the command chain--as they continue to denigrate the mission those down range are trying to successfully complete, and those who are trying to complete it. And it's all for politics. Shameful.

Anonymous said...

It was a disgrace to hear some of the comments made about Pat Tillman, although I shouldn't be surprised that the die-hard anti-American leftists couldn't fathom passing up a multi-million dollar football contract in order to fight for and defend one's country.  You're right, Lone; the only "war heroes" they understand are those who follow up their military service with public anti-American sentiment.

Anonymous said...

It is very fitting that when the leftists found a war hero to nominate for President, it was one that chose to use the fame of his heroism to announce his support for the enemies of this country.  Very fitting indeed.

And thats the truth.....