Monday, August 9, 2004

If Islamists win, it won't matter

According to my wife, I talk about politics too much.  However, I consider this election to be the most important election facing this nation since 1980.  This nation is facing an outside threat that is potentially greater than the threat we faced during the Cold War.  In Islamofascism we are facing an enemy that combines a fanatical religious ideology that is similar in fervor and devotion to that of either Naziism or Bushido; in combination with no qualms about using terrorism against civilians and studied guerilla tactics.  This enemy must be defeated. 

I realize the American people don't like to recognize threats.  We have a history of wanting to believe that with two oceans we can isolate and insulate ourselves from those that seek to do us harm.  Therefore, a large segment of our population believes that if we would stay out of the Middle East and stop "meddling" in the internal affairs of that region, the Osama Bin Ladens, Al Qaedas and Ansar Al Islams would leave us alone.

Such a view completely ignores the ideology of our enemy.  These people believe in an expansive form of Islam that requires that the world be purified.  We, the United States, are the primary purveyors of a materialistic decadent lifestyle that desecrates everything that Islam holds sacred.  Thus, we must be stopped.

Even facing this enemy, though, we still have Americans that are treating this election like any other, with their pet issues that override anything else.  These people need to realize that if the Islamists win, it won't matter.

For example, take the issue of abortion.  If the Islamists win, preserving the right to suck the brains out of an unborn fetus will be the least of a woman's worries.  Burkhas, and not leaving the house without male escort will become the order of the day.

Government funding for education won't be a problem either.  Only boys will be permitted to go to school, and then only to religious madrassas, and then only as far as the clerics deem necessary for the service of Allah. 

You think saying the Pledge of Allegiance with the phrase "under God" in it is a bad thing.  Just wait until you are forced to pray towards Mecca.

Even issues like unemployment and inflation won't matter either.  You won't be permitted to buy immodest clothing,  secular music, or alcohol.  That should save you a bunch of money.

I know, most of you don't want to believe that the threat is that real.  "They could never conquer us, no matter how many they kill," you say.  It just took one subway blast in Madrid to get that country to change its entire government.  50,000 dead in Vietnam was enough to make us stop fighting communism for an entire decade.

The simple fact is that the Qu'ran teaches patience.  The Muslim is told to live among the infidels for a time.  The Muslim is told to wait until the time is right.  There are one billion Muslims in the world.  It is estimated that ten percent of them are fundamentalists.  It is further estimated that people like Osama Bin Laden are considered heroes by ten percent of those.  That is a potential suicide army of ten million people.  The only thing they lack is unity.

Before you say it, no, we are not making them unite by being in Iraq and by supporting Israel.  They would unite anyway.  That has been the goal of Arab leaders for fifty years.  If anything, our projection of strength is dividing the Muslim community between the pragmatists and the ideologues.  Each prisoner we take and each terrorist we kill reminds the pragmatists that their interests aren't served by the ideologues.

Think about it, the terrorists are seeking to divide and weaken us by their constant attacks.  By the same logic, our attacks divide and weaken them.  Believe it or not, they have their own appeasers, their own Michael Moores.  Therefore, we have to keep the pressure on them, both in Iraq and throughout the Muslim world.

If we don't, while it might not happen in the next four years, it will happen.  The Islamists will unite.  They will fight us to the death.  It might only affect your children and grandchildren, but if the Islamists win, it won't matter what your pet issues are.  George W. Bush has the resolve to fight this enemy, no matter what it takes.  John Kerry is the same person who said, "We can't fight communism all over the world."  Nothing else needs to be said.


Anonymous said...

Very good writing, Lone.  It's true.  Look at the globe of thrity years ago and compare the population with the globe of today.  I have read that the agenda is for twenty years and the US will be mostly Muslim; this was predicted by a Muslim.


Anonymous said...

Terrific perspective, Law...

I'll be back!


Anonymous said...

hmmmmm? what no bush haters with opinions on this topic? although i do and have supported bush (unlike the phony "i voted for bush once but not again" crowd. hows is voting for kerry better?) modestly i feel confident in offering what might be their counter point, as i have mastered the tought process of the left. goes like this:

islamofasist just want to live their lives free from the evil influences of the corrupt capitalistic america. rightfully know as the "great satin". you see america is reponsible for all things bad in the world. just ask mike moore. the honest lefties just hate bush because righties just hated poor misunderstood and rightfully impeaced billy boy. and what in the heck did poor billy do wrong other than a laundry list of crimes and abuse of office that dates to when he first offered himself up to the higher calling of "public service"? only a blind partisan or a person of questionable ethics would draw a moral equivalence to one who serves the people and one who damands that the people serve him.

still this war (not started on bush's watch) will extend throughout our life times. this is nothing new for them. i predict a vacillation between strong leaders, such as the current one, who will confront them, kill off their leaders and make great progress in the war and ultimately world opinion, and the weak kneed who will apease (kerry has already stated that he will pull troops within 6 months) and settle for the ignorant bliss of allowing threats to gather strengh while we ignore the dangers and the atrocities, with greater attacks forthcoming.

will the american people ever come together with the determination to face down this threat with serious intent? it is osama's learned opinion that america will not have the resolve nor the will to do what is required to fight this battle over the long haul. kerry and his supporters are determined to prove him right.

Anonymous said...

hmmmmm? what no bush haters with opinions on this topic? although i do and have supported bush (unlike the phony "i voted for bush once but not again" crowd. hows is voting for kerry better?) modestly i feel confident in offering what might be their counter point, as i have mastered the tought process of the left. goes like this:

islamofasist just want to live their lives free from the evil influences of the corrupt capitalistic america. rightfully know as the "great satin". you see america is reponsible for all things bad in the world. just ask mike moore. the honest lefties just hate bush because righties just hated poor misunderstood and rightfully impeaced billy boy. and what in the heck did poor billy do wrong other than a laundry list of crimes and abuse of office that dates to when he first offered himself up to the higher calling of "public service"? only a blind partisan or a person of questionable ethics would draw a moral equivalence to one who serves the people and one who damands that the people serve him.

still this war (not started on bush's watch) will extend throughout our life times. this is nothing new for them. i predict a vacillation between strong leaders, such as the current one, who will confront them, kill off their leaders and make great progress in the war and ultimately world opinion, and the weak kneed who will apease (kerry has already stated that he will pull troops within 6 months) and settle for the ignorant bliss of allowing threats to gather strengh while we ignore the dangers and the atrocities, with greater attacks forthcoming.

will the american people ever come together with the determination to face down this threat with serious intent? it is osama's learned opinion that america will not have the resolve nor the will to do what is required to fight this battle over the long haul. kerry and his supporters are determined to prove him right.