Thursday, August 19, 2004

Think Again

I have had at least five people tell me that they are voting for John Kerry because he can’t be any worse than George W. Bush.  They admit that they aren’t enthralled with Kerry, but they MUST vote against Bush, and Kerry can’t be any worse.  I have two words for those folks.  Think again.


John Kerry and Michael Moore have pilloried George W. Bush for remaining seated at the elementary school in Florida for seven minutes after learning we were attacked on September 11, 2001.  Obviously, a commander in chief, or someone who aspires to be commander in chief, should immediately find a phone booth, (do they still make them?) don his cape and save the day.  Well, maybe not, by John Kerry’s own words, after the second plane hit the tower, he, and a few other Democrats sat for forty minutes, “unable to think”.  Forty minutes of incapacitation is worse than seven minutes of inaction.


Well, George W. Bush spent too much time on vacation prior to September 11, when he should have been doing something to prevent the attacks.  Of course, John Kerry, when he sat on the Senate Intelligence Committee missed, 29 of 38 public meetings that committee held, and during that time proposed cutting intelligence funding to a degree that Ted Kennedy couldn’t even go along with him.  I believe that would qualify as “worse”.


Of course, the major reason that is given as a justification for voting against George W. Bush is that he “lied” and took us to war in Iraq.  John Kerry, they say, would never have done that.  First, John Kerry had access to the same intelligence as President Bush prior to the war and made statements just as strident as President Bush about the threat posed by Iraq.  Be that as it may, let’s look at what John Kerry has done since the war.


He keeps tip toeing around the “Bush lied” argument, but REFUSES to say that the war itself was a mistake.  In fact, John Kerry says that even knowing that Saddam didn’t have stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, he would have STILL voted for the war.  Yet, he wants the support of the anti war Bush haters.  Kerry claims he could have handled this war better, yet refuses to give specifics.  The only thing that he says is that he could have brought our allies on board.  That would have been a cool trick, considering our “allies” (France and Germany) had national interests that preferred to have Saddam in power.


So, basically, Kerry is saying that he would have still gone to war and toppled Saddam, yet he naively thinks that he can convince nations to willingly go against their own self interests to pursue American interests.  President Bush has never been THAT simple minded.  Again, Kerry proves to be WORSE than President Bush.


The Bush haters want to believe that Kerry can’t be worse, but he was ineffective longer on September 11, he ignored more intelligence for a longer period of time, and his plan for Iraq is based upon a naïve belief in his own powers of persuasion.  You think Kerry can’t be worse than Bush?  Look at the known facts and think again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MOVEON.ORG and Michael Moore had months and months to spew their lies about our President and liberals, probably these five you talked to, don't have the desire to check on the veracity of those who are using the attack rhetoric because they all have their own liberal agendas.  
Have you ever noticed that they all say the same things?  It is straight from the Michael Moore playbook.  Also, have you noticed when they are with someone who supports President Bush on television that they way they behave is to SHOUT and pound the conservative with all these same words to such a degree that the person supporting President Bush can't talk about any of the issues?  That's basically because they can't discuss the issues.  Senator Kerry's senate record is dreadful.  While he did serve in Vietnam, which I salute him for going, his Vietnam hero-status is under large suspicioun.
I am the mother of a soldier serving in Iraq.  I almost always post this in addition to my comments when I write on message boards because I am proud of my son, I am proud of our troops and I am proud of our President!
The responses I get from liberals are unbelieveable.  They actually have no shame and nothing is sacred to them.  One man called my son a nazi.  One person told me he couldn't support my son.  One person told me he hoped my son came home in a body bag.  Several questioned how I could support my son and our troops and said they hoped he didn't come home in a body bag because then I would really see who President Bush is.  They also love to send these comments to my personal mailbox so I'll be sure and see them.
I am fed up with their liberal agendas against our country, against our troops and against our President!!!   It is totally deplorable to be using our troops politically to further their agenda.  It is totally unacceptable to be trashing and bashing our Commander-in-Chief while we are at war. &nb