After years of fighting leftism and defending conservatism, I have suddenly been hit with a beam of light like Paul on the road to Damascus. I was wrong. Conservatism is not the path of knowledge and enlightenment. The Progressives are the way to go.
First, in the area of defense, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter have tried to explain it to us for the past two years, but we haven't understood. If we disarm, then all the nations of the world will follow our example. Don't worry about dictatorships that might appear to be unfriendly to us, they just are afraid of us and it makes them defensive. So what if some nations decide to keep their weapons, we will have done the noble thing and set the proper tone for dialogue around the world. After all, the survival of the United States is less important than the cause of peace and harmony throughout the world.
I have embraced the belief that "Bush lied". I don't let the fact that every intelligence agency in the world believed the same things about Saddam Hussein bother me. I don't let the fact that the Clinton Administration and every Democrat in Congress said the same things about Saddam bother me. Once I accepted this everything else made sense.
At home, we should return to the pre-Reagan tax rates, where the top marginal rate was 70%. Those rich people just stole their money anyway, or made it on the backs of slave labor. They can get by with much less. If we cannot move people out of poverty into the middle class, at least we can reduce the number of wealthy people and make a larger middle class that way. So what if it creates less of an environment for investment. This country should not create wealth if it cannot be distributed equally.
Now, the government should retool the budget to pay for all the social programs that the masses want. We must reduce the risk in people's lives. Many people are incapable of making the tough choices necessary to survive on limited resources, so the government should, in a benevolent manner, make things easier for them. So what if that eliminates the incentives for achievement and thwarts ambition. Achievement and ambition are just methods that white males use to rob from and enslave the masses.
Government should actively encourage alternative lifestyle choices. Traditional morality is simply too confining and inspires guilt which can harm an individual's psyche. So what if traditional morality forms the underpinnings of an orderly and cohesive society. No one should have to feel guilty, unless they have more material possessions than their neighbor.
The environment should become our predominant concern. We must first stop abusing animals. We cannot eat meat, since that involves killing an animal who was not allowed to choose. Of course that also means that we cannot use leather for belts, shoes and other items. There is always plastic. Oh wait, I cannot use plastic either. Plastic is petroleum based and thus requires using nonrenewable fossil fuels and causes air pollution. I am giving up my truck for a bicycle, even though I will have to leave two hours early to make the thirteen miles from the house to the office, and no public transportation is available. I may give up my house too. I do not know if it was made from old growth lumber or not. You see, when it was built, I was less enlightened than I am now. What about the electricity that heats my home? Does it come from environmentally hazardous nuclear plants or from fossil fuel burning power plants? Does it come from hydroelectric dams that have been built and destroyed the pristine habitat of fish and wildlife? This is so hard. I may have to give up electricity altogether.
Oh well, anyway, except for environmental confusion, I FEEL so much better now that I have joined the path of enlightenment. Now if I could just remember how to speak French life would be perfect.
As a registered nurse, may I offer some more enlightenment. We need to rid the world of all Pork and Beef Insulin. If your pancreas can't handle the carbs, so be it. We must kill animals to get their insulin stores. Those people needing a pig's valve for their heart versus a mechanical one that requires blood-thinning medication... tough noogies. Let's not kill the poor pig for his valves. I'm sure the American people will want to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect the pig and cow. Just trying to be helpful..........!
FABULOUS. Now if only the left could read.....
Lone, how could you forget the children. Surely they must be educated in schools that hire full-time drug and alcohol coordinators. Don't get the wrong idea; these people do not coordinate actual drug and alcohol products; they coordinate efforts by our local police to come into our Kindergarten classes so our children can become accustomed to having armed men with dogs sniffing at their persons and belongings. This is preparation for the future. They also coordinate who is having a party and when, so the principal can show up and check things out, even in small towns such as mine. Such oversight makes parents feel safe and secure about their children.
Who cares that college graduates can't write a literate paragraph. You can't have everything, even in a liberal society. We must concentrate on basics....such as holding fake elections so the kids can be 'taught' what to look for in a candidate. Another basic is co-ed sex education classes so raging hormones can produce good thoughts about 'what if' as teens stare at the opposite sex and listen to explicit examples. This, in turn, will nearly guarantee a steady supply of clients if social work is the career choice and guarantees a steady rate of growth for other federal programs.
There are federal grants for these efforts. That makes local taxpayers happy and assures job security for the vice principal, who is responsible for obtaining as many grants as possible.
We have been liberated!
Enjoy your blog.
Great post ! Great blog.
We are sooo happy that you have been converted. We "all" appreciate the fact that we have been able to show you the error of your ways. May I also suggest that we must now create a direct deposit for our paychecks so that our government can more easily determine how much of "our" money they can afford to send us based on what they beleive that we need.
LOL. Great Blog!
You forgot that oil is needed for our bicycle chains, so we'll have to get horses. Whoops, riding a horse would be considered animal cruelty. We can't put horses, donkeys, or mules into slave labor. I guess all of the enlightened will have to walk to work, and everywhere else.
Great post. I got a good laugh.
Good job. At this rate I see future generations huddled in caves, burning animal dung for fuel while scratching on cave walls with stone tools to show they have a degree in the arts. How progressive of the enlightened.
Excellent article, Lone. And, Bob? Don't go giving the government any idea, K? ;)
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