Friday, December 23, 2005

Christ a leftist?

Merry Christmas fellow conservatives, libertarians, constitutionalists and free market advocates.  It's the time of year where we are repeatedly told by leftists how selfish we are for not supporting Jesus' message of socialized medicine, 70% top marginal tax rates and governmental nannyism.  You didn't know Jesus preached those things?  Just ask the nearest liberal and he or she will explain how government mandated social justice is the essence of the Messiah's mission on Earth.

The problem is that Jesus never advocated such positions.  Yes, Jesus wanted the poor fed, the widows and orphans cared for, the naked clothed, but he never demanded that either the local authorities or the Roman Empire institute such programs and certainly never advocated giving government the powerful bureaucracies necessary to do such noble things.

We have all heard Jesus' parable about the Good Samaritan who took it upon himself to see to the urgent needs of a stranger who had been beaten and robbed.  Jesus didn't have any government official provide the injured man's needs.  He had a compassionate individual take care of the situation and then Jesus finishes by telling us that everyone we come in contact with is our neighbor.

Something else in that parable, when the Good Samaritan took the man to the inn to recuperate, he didn't put a sword to the innkeepers throat and demand that he care for the man without compensation.  The Good Samaritan paid for the care out of his own pocket.  In other words, Jesus taught us to GIVE.  He didn't teach us to create an entity with the power of jail and sword to TAKE from those unwilling to give.  Leftists don't seem to understand the distinction.

We, on the right, believe that there are only certain functions that should be performed by government.  We don't believe this out of selfishness or greed.  We believe this out of a deep seated love of liberty and the recognition that every time we give government power, we give up some liberty.  Liberty is a concept perfectly in line with Jesus' teachings.  Revelation 3:20 says, "Behold I stand at the door and knock..."  Jesus did not teach forced obedience.  It was to be our choice.  We have free will, liberty if you will.  Coerced giving isn't giving.  It is taking by force.  It is the complete opposite of liberty and the complete opposite of Jesus' plan of compassion.

Yes, we as Christian individuals and churches have a moral duty and heavenly obligation to take care of our fellow humans.  We are to provide shelter for the homeless.  We are to provide food and clothing where needed; even to the point of doing without ourselves.  We are not, though, supposed to abdicate that duty to a secular government.

The church and individual Christians are Christ's instruments on this earth.  Secular governments are not.  Secular governments are what they have always been, takers of liberty and enforcers of order.  Government is a necessary evil with certain specific jobs to perform.  Right wingers recognize that. 

So the next time some leftist calls you a greedy, selfish hypocrite, remind him or her about Christian duty and liberty.  It won't change their attitude, but they need to hear it anyway


Anonymous said...

HE also said.......render unto GOD that which is GOD's and unto Caesar that which is Caesars. Oh yes and just one more thingy HE said............the poor you will always have with you.

Anonymous said...

Leftists never miss an opportunity to tell us that Jesus was a liberal, yet they scream bloody murder if Jesus's name is even mentioned in any public venue.  What part of "hypocrite" do you suppose it is that they don't understand?

Anonymous said...

This is your best message ever..Jesus did intend for man to care for other men and women, not Caesar.He didn't ask the government to feed the 5,000 hungry people at the mountain where he was preaching..He had men gather loaves and fishes, and He did it himself..No government involved...I am so impressed with this "Christ is a Leftists", It will go on my keepers list, and I will send to many others who are not involved in blogs and message boards... You are the man, and you tell it like it is..I love that in a person, and you don't find it in many leftists I have spoken with..Thanks    Sarah

Anonymous said...

I work at a Catholic University. Let me tell you, they work relentlessly to bring the $$$$$$$ in. Even with my limited knowledge of the bible, there is a passage that reads: "One man cannot serve two masters....." The newly renovated student center is named after a man and a quote from him on the plaque reads: "The meek will inherit the world, but it will not increase one's market share." Now, WHICH "master" is this guy serving???
One of our (supposedly) "learned" professors has a bumper sticker that reads: "Jesus was a liberal." Uh, no he wasn't. If God and Jesus are One, and God wrote the 10 Commandments, then God and Jesus are conservatives. If He had been a liberal, there would have been NO commandments, and lying, adultery, killing, etc would all be a-okay.
Steve, you are right on the mark when you say liberals cannot distinguish between "giving" and "taking" with respect to a symbiotic relationship. They expect the government to GIVE while they TAKE all they can. It's a one-way street with them. I'd laugh if it weren't so friggin pathetic.