Saturday, December 10, 2005

Random Thoughts

My wife hit the nail on the head the other day while we were watching coverage of the bipolar man who was killed by an Air Marshal on an American Airlines flight in Florida.  Katherine teaches severely emotionally disturbed teenagers and said, "I tell my kids, all the time, the real world doesn't have the time or the inclination to feel sorry for you when you don't take your meds."

Left wing idiots like Katie Couric prove daily they shouldn't be in charge of foreign policy.  She asked why  the Air Marshal couldn't have shot him in the leg or something short of killing him.

This incident is a perfect analogy for why we were right to invade Iraq and remove Saddam Hussein from power.  It turned out this guy didn't have a bomb.  After 9/11 and after shoe bomber, Richard Reid, we don't have the luxury of waiting for certainty anymore.

The economy keeps growing at a record pace and  the Democrats still want to act like it's 1932.  The New York Times, last week published an article singing the praises of the economy, only to reach the conclusion that it's all an illusion and the country is full of suffering and on really weak economic footing.

If I believed that things were as bad as the Democrats claim they are I would be suicidal.  To hear the Democrats tell it, we are under the control of an evil cabal that is capable of stealing multiple elections, trick leaders like Tony Blair of Great Britain to do its bidding, is determined to starve children and old people and WANTS to see the United States lose manufacturing jobs.  Everything, according to the current crop of Democrats, is the result of a nefarious conspiracy.  Yes, paranoid delusion is the platform of today's DNC.

Isn't it amazing how the mainstream media completely ignores Joe Lieberman, who has returned from Iraq with positive news, while it listens to John Kerry rehash his Winter Soldier testimony like he was the Oracle at Delphi?  Nah, the press isn't liberal.

Dan Rather's phony AWOL papers were going to destroy Bush.  The Downing Street Memo was going to destroy Bush.  Cindy Sheehan was going to destroy Bush.  Patrick Fitzgerald's investigation regarding Valerie Plame was going to destroy Bush.  Since 2001, the Democrats have had at least 40 pseudo scandals that was goingto get rid of "the arrogant little cowboy".  He's still President and they're still in disarray. 

I saw that Congressman Earl Pomeroy said that Howard Dean should "shut up" saying that the United States can't win in Iraq.  I hope Screamin Dean doesn't listen.  Howard Dean's idiocy is the best thing that can happen to the Republican Party between now and 2006.

I saw the vigils marking the 25th anniversary of John Lennon's murder.  While his murder was a tragedy, why would we honor a guy whose most famous song expresses a desire to see national borders eliminated, capitalism defeated, antagonism toward religion, and the complete outlawing of ownership and possesions?  Now that I think about it, "Imagine" is the ultimate leftist fantasy.


Anonymous said...

You make some very good points.  I cannot believe that I am seeing what I see from the MSM.  Do these people ever really pay any attention to what they say now as opposed to what they said last week?  Don't they realize that a lot of us do have no problem remembering what was said and what it meant?  I have really gotten to the point that I read the Boston Globe, the Sacramento Bee, the Miami Herald online and marvel that anyone would believe anything they say.

The editorial writers for the Boston Globe step all over themselves to find problems with Bush.  They invent situations and then accuse the president of not taking them into account.  They accuse the president of anything and everything that goes wrong wherever it may happen.  Broken hangnail?  Bush did it.  Tripped over your shoelace? Bush did it.  The Miami Herald is another one.  The feds locked up a Cuban opponent of Castro who got into the country illegally.  Bush brought him into the country even though he came here before Bush was even the president.  

I have to say that it is a revelation to read the media.  It makes me even more sure that I made the right decision when I voted republican and conservative since 1964.  These liberals are not fit to be let out of the house let alone run the country.

Anonymous said...

I have heard "Imagine" called Osama bin Laden's theme song.  You are right that it is insipid and fantasy.  All he left out was the 72 virgins!

Anonymous said...

Yes, paranoid delusion is the platform of today's DNC.

That it is, Steve. It seems they are becoming more and more delusional on a daily basis.
I soon expect to see John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden and the like to be literally foaming at the mouth.

Anonymous said...

You're right on target Lone, and the dems are frothing at the mouth as they are being led down a dark path by such people as Dean, Pelosi, Kerry and Kennedy, plust the liberal news media.
I enjoy your articles because they express my sentiments exactly.