Thursday, October 16, 2003

Hell Refuses To Freeze Over

I have never been a Cubs fan.  I was raised a Yankees fan and became a Braves fan by virtue of geography and cable television, so I never could understand the warm fuzzies that people got over a team that seemed destined to finish among the also rans every year.  I was simply of the opinion that their ownership didn't want to spend the money and make the committment necessary to win.  Thus, I had a hard time sympathizing with them.

However, having seen the sport that I love fall on hard times, and seeing the interest that the Cubs and Red Sox generated in this year's playoffs; I changed my mind.  I began cheering for the law of gravity to be repealed along with millions of other baseball fans.  This team seemed to have destiny on its side.  Against Atlanta, Wood and Pryor looked unstoppable, and they were up three games to one on the Marlins, a team that even the most die hard baseball fan has a difficult time appreciating.  Satan was breaking out the long underwear.

The Cubs then lose on Sunday in a game that they never seemed to want to play.  It was okay, though.  They were still up three to two and going home to the friendly confines.  All seemed to be going according to some divine plan.

On Tuesday night, the Cubs were five outs away from exorcising all the demons that had plagued them for decades, then fate, chance, the forces of evil or something snatched it all away.  The fan did nothing wrong.  He was simply trying to grab a piece of history.  He never intended to make history.

Last night was academic.  The Cubs made a gallant effort, but those of us who understand the baseball gods knew what would happen in the last chapter.  Hell is still hot and the Cubs are still cursed.  As a baseball fan, that makes me sad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My family were fanatic baseball fans, and my Dad when 19 was picked by the White Sox and sent to Monroe, Louisiana to play on their farm team..And since I live in Texas, the Texas Rangers were my team, but couldn't make the big time...I love the Cubs because their fans are the most loyal in BB,,and when they lost to the Marlins, my heart sank because when will this ever happen again for the Cubs and their loyal fans?..Maybe next year?