Friday, October 17, 2003

Searching For Nuance

Leftists constantly criticize conservatives for seeing issues in terms of right and wrong, good and evil, black and white with no shades of gray.  According to leftists, we are not capable of seeing the nuances of a particular situation, particularly in the area of foreign policy.

Amazingly, they even accuse us of this when it comes to the War on Terror.  Now, very few of them are willing to say publicly that we brought 9/11 on ourselves; but they do get very uncomfortable if we view the battle in terms of a war between good and evil.  They tell us that we are being narrowminded.  They tell us that we need to give some consideration to the terrorists' point of view.  They say we need to look for the nuances.

Therefore, I am going to search for some nuance in this conflict.  Al Qaeda and its associates believe that murder is an appropriate way to get closer to God.  If that is not evil, then there is no evil on this earth.  These terrorists believe that women are nothing more than property and should not even be permitted to leave their home without a family member accompanying them.  Even leftists would agree that is evil.  So far, no nuance needed.

These people see nothing wrong with asking their children to become human bombs.  They see nothing wrong with killing your children simply because they believe differently.  That is evil.  There is no other way to describe it.  Nuances don't apply.

There can be no serious argument made that our opponents in the War on Terror are not evil.  There can be no nuance that grants them a legitimate justification for their beliefs or their actions.  Yet, the leftists don't want us calling this a war of good vs. evil.  The leftists want us to find some nuance.

Wait a minute.  Now I understand.  The leftists don't have a problem with calling our enemy evil.  The problem is that they can't bring themselves to call the United States "good".  That is the nuance they want us to see.  I should have known.


Anonymous said...

And the sooner people realize we are all the infidels, the better for us and this country.

Anonymous said...

And the sooner people realize we are all the infidels, the better for us and this country.

Anonymous said...

The NEOLIBERALS and the NEODEMOCRATS do not see "black or white." Their views are of ONE color only - GRAY (and, various shades of that as well). We are in a battle for OUR very survival as a nation - WE are the "infidels;" WE are the "enemy" and nothing short of OUR destruction is THEIR ultimate goal. To hell with "nuances."

Anonymous said...

Tissiwne..unmasked...That is him you describe in this piece, EXCEPT..he does not mind calling the US EVIL..He gets his kicks and happiness from doing that..and the ones who follow him, are like you said..looking for a way that they don't have to call the US good, they let Tiss do their talking for them..and to them, there is no evil in what they think or say...Nuance my foot!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with American conservatives when they describe terrorism as being inherently evil. What they will never admit, however, is that the definition of "acts of terrorism" includes many of the routine practices of the US armed forces, its CIA, private mercenary armies, and etc.

This racist attack on Muslims in general is typical of the hysterical screeching of American neocons, whose aim is to distract us from looking too closely at the real source of evil in the Middle East: which is their own dark and dangerous agenda that undergirds the Bush administrations phony "War on Terror."