Wednesday, October 22, 2003

I Don't Understand

While watching some of the debate regarding the partial-birth abortion bill, one would have thought that Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer were being ordered by the government to wear burkhas and chastity belts.  Their level of passion to defend an indefensible procedure was stunning.  I truly don't get it.

Whether you are pro-choice or pro-life regarding abortion in the first trimester, how can you support partial-birth abortion?  I'm sorry, the "it isn't a baby, it's a fetus and it's the woman's body" argument doesn't cut it here.  Partial birth abortion occurs in the third trimester when anyone who has watched an ultrasound or felt their own baby kick knows that what is in there is a separate living thing.

You can't scream that the government shouldn't be allowed to get involved, either.  Most of you who support partial birth abortion would chain yourself to an iceberg to force the government to get involved to prevent baby harp seals from being clubbed.  You would have no problem with the government putting hundreds of loggers out of work to protect a spotted owl.  I would like to know how you rationalize a spotted owl or harp seal being more valuable than a viable fetus.

Doctors who perform the procedure even play mental gymnastics to justify it.  Somehow a baby who is purposely delivered breech can be killed, but not so with an identical baby coming out head first.  Almost eighty percent of partial birth abortions are performed because of fetal defects.  I'm sorry folks, that doesn't improve your argument, it just makes you sound like selfish versions of Dr. Mengele.  My wife's baby sister was born with cerebral palsy and I cannot imagine life without her.  When we were first married, my wife worked in a group home for mentally challenged adults.  Trust me, these people have value.

The partial-birth abortion law provides for an exception for the life of the mother, so that arugment isn't valid either.  It is a gruesome, horrible procedure performed on a viable fetus that has its own separate heart, brain, emotions and personality.  If partial-birth abortion is not murder, then there is no such thing.  Like I said, I don't understand.

Oh, and don't whine about the baby harp seals.


Anonymous said...

PBA (and abortion for that matter) are completely indefensible. IMHO, Roe v. Wade legalizing abortion was instrumental in the rapid moral decline of our society. The "lexicon gymnastics" neoliberals use to JUSTIFY it are astounding as well. To me, "pro-choice" means selecting what is good. HOW can abortion be "good?" It's certainly not good for the HUMAN fetus. Until people love their children - including an unborn fetus - more than "convenience," abortion will be with us and forever a travesty.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing that the left can whine & moan about killing innocent animals LIKE the baby seals but say that a human baby should be able to be murdered because the mother did not use birth control. I don't understand either.

Anonymous said...

Talk about rapid moral decline, euthanasia isn't far off if one looks to the Terri Schiavo case. We have a disabled, brain damaged woman, ordered to be put to death for committing no crime. Do we kill her based upon the husband's contention? Do we allow her to live because we don't know her wishes? Felos, a democratic, far left, right to die advocate, belongs to the party on the road to hell. I know what path I'm taking, and it sure ain't hell.