I have written for a long time about the fact that the majority of the far left in this country doesn't have an emotional attachment to the nation state called the United States of America. This lack of attachment has manifested itself in extreme ways since the election of George W. Bush as President.
The most disturbing way, though, is the left's yearning for bad news. If unemployment goes up liberal pundits and politicians describe the state of the nation as the worst in fifty years. If polls show that foreign countries dislike us, leftists talk about our arrogance and isolation from the "community of nations", whatever the hell that is. If soldiers get killed in Iraq, the left wants to describe each killing in a way that would make it appear that Bush fired the shot that killed them. If soldiers commit atrocities in Iraq, the internet message boards are filled with leftists acting like this is commonplace and putting down the same soldiers they claimed they supported even while opposing the war.
Conservatives don't do this. Bill Clinton was probably the most hated Democrat President of my lifetime, yet you didn't hear conservatives looking for bad news for the country during Clinton's presidency. Even conservatives that opposed the deployment to the Balkans never wished for a bad outcome. It simply isn't in the make up of conservatives to hope for bad things for this nation.
Liberals, though, particularly the vocal left, not only are willing to capitalize on bad news to advance their political agenda; they relish in it. They don't seem to value the supremacy and success of the United States. They apparently don't think we deserve success. Therefore, they view setbacks as us merely getting what's coming to us.
Like I keep saying, the left doesn't have a real emotional attachment to the United States. They are too enlightened for that. Who would have known that enlightenment required a longing for negative results?
Anyone who ever had a political science course in any good university would know that the left hate the very basis of our country. To my poli sci professors socialism was the only good form of government. Anything other than that resulted inevitably in oppression of the common man. Common man was not intelligent enough to know what was good for him and couldn't be trusted. The only good form of government would be having the socialist professors put in charge of society and government. That way we would have true equality. Of course that would not pertain to them. By their superior intelligence and perception of what was good for us they would be exempted from this equality. Anything that would bring down this depraved form of government we have now was actually "good for the country" as opposed to having capitalism. What we are seeing now in the leftists is this same approach writ large.
This is something that has puzzled me,,The left's yearning for bad news..I never suspected anyone of either side would do that, but they do, #1 They hate GW #2 They are sorry losers and #3 power to them is more important than the country itself.
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