Friday, May 7, 2004

Thinking Out Loud

Do you think Ted Kennedy has ever been disgusted by the actions of any of America's enemies or does he reserve his disgust for the people who are trying to defend this country?

I know that Hillary Clinton and others have denounced the treatment of the Iraqi prisoners shown in the photographs, but I'll bet money that she, at first, enjoyed seeing a woman leading a man around on a leash.  I suspect that Patricia Ireland and Eleanor Smeal had the same thoughts.

Can you think of a worse humiliation for a Muslim male than to be naked on his knees in front of a woman who has authority over him, ridiculing him?  Apparently, that is worse than being murdered, dismembered, burned and dragged through the streets.

Did you notice that the leftists in America haven't had much to say about Thomas Hamil and his heroic escape from Iraqi captors?  They certainly haven't praised him.  Of course that's because he got a job with Halliburton instead of going on welfare.

Were the prisoners at Abu Ghraib "prisoners of war"?  According to the Geneva Convention, a "lawful combatant" is defined as one that: (is) commanded by a person responsible for his subordinates; having a fixed distinctive sign recognizable at a distance; carrying arms openly; and conducting their operations in accordance with the laws and customs of war.

Did you hear that over fifty Democrats wouldn't join in a Congressional resolution that, while condemning the treatment of the prisoners at Abu Ghraib, commended the work that the American military has done as a whole in Iraq?  It would have probably been easier to get those idiotic leftists, which include Fortney Stark of California, to join in a resolution praising Maqmoot Al Sadr for standing up to the forces of "imperialism".

When are the people of the United States of America going to realize that the Democrat party is ruled by America hating leftists who agree with Osama Bin Laden that we are the Great Satan in the world?


Anonymous said...

What I am distressed about is that the reporters are acting as if this would not have been handled without their input.  The truth is that the military has been investigating this since January and all the people involved are either removed from their positions or are being held for courts martial.  The Army has taken care of the whole situation.  Do you see the reporters lining up to praise the Army for holding these people responsible for their actions?  Of course not because that would mean that the Army can act without the big brother media telling them what to do.  Seymour Hersh needs to let us know where he got this classified information in the first place and then why he wrote the article without telling us that the Army was dealing with the situation the way it should.

Anonymous said...

Everything you said about the Democrats, is sad, but true..I worry when so many on the left gloat when our military makes a mistake, and thinks we are wrong, so the Iraqi insurgents(they call them freedom fighters) should shoot them, because after all, we are the invader, occupiers, and the evil ones.

Anonymous said...

I sure will!  Should be interesting to see what they come up with!