Cannes attempted to elect Michael Moore "god" this past week. The city went crazy for him (no pun intended) and his new "documentary" (his term, not mine) "Fahrenheit 911". Apparently the fact that his previous film, "Bowling For Columbine" was almost as truthful as "Spinal Tap" is less important to the artsy crowd than his neo-socialist anti-American political leanings.
Of course, the art and movie crowd has always tended to be more leftist than the general population. There must be something about living in a $4 million Malibu mansion that contributes to beach erosion that causes you to want to end inequities in the world and save the environment. But in recent years this leftist tendency has reached kook proportions.
For instance, Norman Mailer said of the 9/11 hijackers:
"Americans can't admit that you need courage to do such a thing. For that might be misunderstood. The key thing is that we in America are convinced that it was blind, mad fanatics who didn't know what they were doing. But what if those perpetrators were right and we were not? We have long ago lost the capability to take a calm look at the enormity of our enemy's position."
Yep, he wanted people to consider whether the terrorists of 9/11 were justified. Of course, if you read what many of the artsy elites said after the attacks, you can find similar comments. In fact, Moore himself stated that "There is no terrorist threat in this country. This is a lie. This is the biggest lie we've been told."
I just wish that the American people could have seen Moore and the artsy leftist elites at Cannes without any editing. They hate this country. And who do they support with this hate? The Democrat party. Other than New Age Messiah wannabe, mega rich mega socialist (Why do the mega rich want to be socialists?) George Soros, the Democrat party big money donors are typically celebrities.
The media typically doesn't let you know how far to the left these pampered artists really are. But in Cannes, with a twenty minute standing ovation for Moore's insane slanderous farce, and his receipt of the Palme D'or, they showed themselves for what they really are.
No conspiracy theory is too far out for them. No obscene justification for support of our enemies is beyond their comprehension. Remember, these are the people like Janeane Garafalo, who said, "(W)hen Communist U.S.S.R. was a superpower, the world was better off." Or perhaps try this one from Chrissie Hynde of The Pretenders, "Let's get rid of all the economic (expletive) this country represents! Bring it on, I hope the Muslims win!" A fascinating comment, given the fact that Chrissie has become a successful artist because of our economic fecal matter.
Like I keep saying, these people hate America, but they like Democrats. If pressed, these people won't even deny it. Look for a quote of Michael Moore praising America. The best you will do is this, "I like America to some extent."
These are the people that want you to vote for John Kerry. They hate the United States. They hate our traditions. They hate our superpower status. They hate our economic system. They hate our military. They hate our political system. And they support John Kerry.
Any questions?
You really nailed it this time.
No question, just a comment--I hate Michael Moore. :-)
Great post. Now to you and your visitors I present Charlie Eklund's post!
It had me smiling within seconds.
Another great commentary, Lone. I find it hard to believe that the American left can't see this fool for what he is... but it is even more frightening to think they see it and simply don't care. Btw, thanks for the additional link, James. That's a good page, too.
Moore's flick is #1 at box office. Goes to show you majority of Americans are not Conservative. Note how conservatives lapped up Clinton's Zippergate all over the news and tabloids, even a bash Clinton Cottage Industry evolved. Yet, when shoe on other foot and aire of impropriety far more worse Conervatives wants boycotts and censorship. Sure Moore's flcks are considered propaganda, especially by republicans, but who'd be going to the flick not knowing it is a bash Bush flick? The ads tell all, and people choose to see it. Too bad for the Right Wing Whiners.
Maybe they need to make their own flick, huh?
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