Conservatives get criticized by liberals(leftists) for not seeing nuance. The Left sees the world in shades of gray and abhors the black/white right/wrong thinking of the right wing. Certitude is seen as simplemindedness. I call this the sanctity of uncertainty. This almost religious devotion to uncertainty governs every foreign policy issue the Left faces.
Based upon that, John Kerry is certainly their man. He is a war hero (allegedly) who spent more time opposing the war than he did fighting it. He proposes to make our intelligence network stronger, but proposed the most Draconian cut ever of our intelligence services, a cut that even Ted Kennedy couldn't support. He claims to be committed to our intelligence gathering community, yet he missed 75% of the public meetings that were held when he served on the intelligence committee.
He supports fighting wars by coalition, yet voted against the first Gulf War when there was an overwhelming coalition of the international community. Of course he voted for the Iraq war in 2002 without a coalition and now says that he would still vote for the war, even though he claims that Bush "misled" us into war. He claims to be determined to win the war against the terrorist aggressors, yet this same man said in 1971, that we could not fight communism all over the world.
John Kerry claims his life changing moment occurred on Christmas of 1968 when he was illegally in Cambodia while President Nixon (sic) was claiming that we were not. Of course, we now know that he wasn't in Cambodia that Christmas and claims that it was near Cambodia or just inside Cambodia in early 1969. Nuance, you see forbids giving a definite statement.
John Kerry voted for the $87 billion to fund our troops in Iraq, but then voted against the $87 billion. He proposes to cut the deficit while at the same time increase spending even more than President Bush has. He proposes to fight a "sensitive" war, yet will achieve complete victory. He believes life begins at conception but promises to not vote based upon that belief. He opposes gay marriage but also opposes defending traditional marriage.
Basically, John Kerry has been onboth sides of every issue facing this country since and including Vietnam. In fact, throughout his history, the only issue with which he has never waivered was his refusal to stand up to communism and the Soviet Union in any fashion during the Reagan Administration and the Cold War.
Except for failing to oppose communism, John Kerry has taken nuance and uncertainty to an artform. In other words, in every way imaginable, John Kerry is the PERFECT candidate for the Democrat party in the twenty first century. He captures their views completely. John Kerry is certainly THEIR MAN. They should feel proud.
1 comment:
Steve, you are certainly correct that Kerry has been a consistent supporter of everything that would help the commies worldwide. Srange, isn't it? Have you seen the original version of "The Manchurian Candidate?
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