Wednesday, October 1, 2003

Top Ten Ways To Tell If Your Wife's A Spy

10.  Instead of a tribal tattoo on her lower back, she has a tattoo of the CIA emblem.

 9.   You give her a new diamond ring for your anniversary, but she still chooses to wear her secret decoder ring.

 8.   At parties she introduces herself as "Smith, Jane Smith".

 7.   When you go on family vacations, she typically has to fight off teams of black clad ninjas everytime you leave the motel.

 6.   Her package of birth control pills doubles as a radio transmitter.

 5.   She refers to her boss by using a single letter rather than a name.

 4.   She keeps getting taped messages in the mail that self destruct after ten seconds.

 3.   She asks you to go to a small African nation to ask a government official about baking a yellow cake.

 2.   Her car has all kinds of cool gadgets.

 1.   She gets nervous everytime you mention Karl Rove's name.




Anonymous said...

Great Post Lone, it's known as double standards. Why not put it on the board?

Anonymous said...

OOP"S this was suppose to go under What did you expect.......