Let me begin by advising my conservative friends, I'm going to make you mad with what I'm about to say. It needs to be said, though. So here goes.
The current outrage over Arnold's groping and the absolute glee over the possibility of Rush's drug abuse should be expected. Yes, it is politically motivated. Yes, it is a double standard compared to how Democrats are treated for the same offenses. But it is to be expected. Moralizers always get skewered worse by their sins than rogues do.
Look back to the 1992 presidential campaign. Written in small letters, under "It's the economy stupid" on the Clinton campaign was the statement that personal character does not matter. Everyone knew that Bill Clinton had Hugh Hefner tendencies. It was part of his charm. The Republicans should have realized this after the '92 election, but persisted in their attempts to bring him down, using primarily, issues of personal character to do it. They should have spent more time washing the windows in their glass houses. We lost two House Speakers because of it.
Bush's past with alcohol is treated worse than Teddy Kennedy's past with alcohol. Why? Republicans try to present themselves as more moral than Democrats. Therefore ANY chink in the armor is going to be pounced upon like it were a fumbled football. Arnold's 30 year old groping is more relevant than similar behavior by Clinton or Kennedy, simply because he is associated with the Republican party. Republicans should not expect any sympathy from the Democrats now that the shoe is on the other foot.
Rush has spent entire hours on his radio show making fun of Libertarians, who would otherwise support his views, because of their desire for decriminalization of marijuana. He shouldn't expect any sympathy if it comes to light that he has been abusing pain pills. Never mind that the left treats drug abuse as a disease. Republicans treat drug abuse as a moral problem and THAT is the standard THEY must live up to.
Is it fair? Maybe, maybe not. It is a fact, though. Republicans shouldn't have expected anything else.
Ye reep what ye sow. I agree with what you said and would add one thing. Limbaugh and Anohld are hypocrits just as Livingston and Newt were. In the case of Newt, he was having an affair while activily involved in the persecution of someone doing the
I do not lean left, however, I consider substance abuse a disease. This was defined back in the early '60's as a disease by the medical profession. As a medical professional, I go with the research and data backing it up. This dang site will not allow me to expound further. I agree with your comments.
No, they shouldn't. The American public put up with eight years of a Republican-led Congress looking for anything to pin on Bill Clinton, his cronies, and his wife. I think they even made sure Buddy didn't wee in the wrong spot.
As much as I hate to see the SOS from the Democrats, the Republicans' behavior then should've been widely denounced. Maybe then the ridiculous smear campaigns wouldn't be as prevalent or as accepted.
Lone, having to deal with these people over the years, Nothing a politican does surprises me, I find very few they can open their mouth and not lie. This is the game in Washington, the problem is many Americans are caught up in the hipe, and don't know when they are being played. But very good post.
Great Post Lone. What did you expect...This is double standards at it's best. This needs to posted to the board.
The Arnold and Rush bashing by the liberals and democrats is standard fare. The dems and libbies - self-proclaimed NON-moralizers - HAVE NOTHING TO "LIVE UP TO." So, Arnold's "bad behavior" (which he apologized for - something Clinton NEVER DID) and Rush's comments are consistently demonized by the left. Don't be surprised if the left now demonizes Rush and Arnold for getting out of bed on the RIGHT side.
The Right now has a "HANDS ON" Governor and a talk show host that now has first hand knowledge of drug addiction.And Rush didn't even have to inhale.
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