Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Call Me An Extremist

I believe that the United States should lose the pretense and call this current war what it is, a war against militant Islamists where ever they might be.  I know that makes people cringe and they call me an extremist.  The thought of this actually becoming a religious war is horrifying to so many.

If one looks at history, though, extremism isn't an insult after all.  In the 1770s, moderates hoped to work out a settlement with King George.  Instead of Americans, the majority considered themselves British citizens for as long as possible.  Extremists, however, like Patrick Henry said, "Give me liberty or give me death."  Henry was right.  American liberty could only be bought with blood.

In the 1850s moderates on all sides tried to reach compromise after compromise on the issue of slavery.  John Brown knew, though, that the abolition of that horrid practice was going to require a washing in blood.  He was an extremist, but history proved him right.

In the 1930s, Winston Churchill was called an extremist because he believed that Hitler could not be appeased.  Moderates like Neville Chamberlain proclaimed "Peace in our time", not realizing what a phony peace it was.

Barry Goldwater stated, "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.  Moderation in the defense of liberty is no virtue."  I agree.  Go ahead, call me an extremist.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Guess that makes me an "extremist" too, Steve. It is an all-out war, too. The winner survives, the loser gets blasted off the face of the earth. Like it or not, it is an "all or nothing" fight - and we can't afford to lose.