Monday, November 10, 2003

There Must Be Morality

I'm an unashamed capitalist.  I don't believe in governmental interference in markets or prospective contractual relationships.  However, I'm not blind to capitalism's inherent risks.

Socialists see capitalism as an oppressive beast that results in massive injustice.  Without a moral society, I agree with them.  Capitalism has its roots in liberty.  Without morality, liberty is nothing more than license.  Without morality, man will have no qualms about taking advantage of another human being.

Thus, it is impossible to separate the message of liberty from the message of morality.  Whether it is based in religion or something else, there must be some moral absolutes that a society accepts.  These absolutes must be taught and given prominence. 

John Adams said, "Our Constitution was made only for a religious and moral people.  It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other."  Liberty and a free society cannot survive with an immoral people.  Without morality a free society will decay into a corrupt and vicious society.

The bottom line is that if we are not going to be a moral people, then we might as well let the socialists take control.


Anonymous said...

Last line says it all, Steve. Morals - or the lack thereof - make all the difference. Same thing with laws. We are a nation of laws - laws designed to allow us freedoms, but not at the expense of others. It seems our society is losing its' "cohesiveness" when it comes to law-abiding citizens. It seems more and more people are doing whatever they want, and damn the consequences. Without laws, there is no "order." And, without order, there is nothing but chaos.

Anonymous said...

"Without morality, man will have no qualms about taking advantage of another human being."
You are very insightful Steve. My first thought when I read your above comment, Florida trying to murder a disabled woman.