Monday, November 3, 2003

Some Absolute Truths

Darwin may have had questionable expertise as a biologist, but he was an excellent sociologist.

The only acceptable exit strategy for any war is complete and absolute victory.

If I see a hungry person and give them bread, I am showing compassion.  If government forcibly takes money from me and gives it to a person of its choosing, then it is coerced redistribution.

All humans may be created equal, but all cultures are not.  Anyone who cannot tell the difference is willfully blind.

A third trimester fetus should be entitled to more consideration than a tapeworm and more governmental protection than a harp seal.

Governmental budget deficits are ONLY caused by excessive spending. 

If your typical modern American were standing on the banks of the Mississippi River in 1806, he or she would not expand westward until the government built a bridge and guaranteed free healthcare.

The most frightening sentence in the English language is, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you."

Any person in the United States that does not reach their full potential, should only blame themselves.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As usual, excellent post, Steve. I'm sure if the liberals enter the foray, they will follow their "usual" course of discourse - that is, attempt to ARGUE on an emotional level, call you names, then thankfully, LEAVE. Liberals hate facts and debate. They thrive on innuendoes, half-truths, blatant emotionalism, arguing and name-calling. Some things - and people - never change.